I went, poore pilgrime, to my ladies shrine,
To see if she would be my
But woe, alass, she was not to be found,
For she was shifted to an
upper ground: 20
Good Justice Dudgeon-haft, and crab-tree
With bills and staues had
scar’d hir from the place;
And now she was compel’d, for Sanctuarie,
To flye unto a house of venerie.
Thither went I, and bouldlie made enquire
If they had hackneis to lett-out
to hire,
And what they crau’d, by order of
their trade,
To lett one ride a iournie
on a iade. 28
Therwith out stept a foggy three-chinnd
That us’d to take yong
wenches for to tame,
And ask’t me if I ment as I profest,
Or onelie ask’t a question
but in iest. 32
“In iest?” quoth I; “that
terme it as you will;
I com for game, therefore
give me my Jill.”
“Why Sir,” quoth shee, “if
that be your demande,
Com, laye me a Gods-pennie
in my hand; 36
For, in our oratorie siccarlie,
None enters heere, to doe
his nicarie,
But he must paye his offertorie first,
And then, perhaps, wee’le
ease him of his thirst.” 40
I, hearing hir so ernest for the box,
Gave hir hir due, and she
the dore unlocks.
In am I entered: “venus be
my speede!
But where’s this female
that must do this deed”? 44
By blinde meanders, and by crankled wayes,
Shee leades me onward, (as
my Aucthor saies),
Vntill we came within a shadie loft
Where venus bounsing vestalls
skirmish oft; 48
And there shee sett me in a leather chaire,
And brought me forth, of prettie
Trulls, a paire,
To chuse of them which might content myne
But hir I sought, I could
nowhere espie. 52
I spake them faire, and wisht them well
to fare—
“Yet soe yt is, I must
haue fresher ware;
Wherefore, dame Bawde, as daintie as you
Fetch gentle mistris Francis
forth to me.” 56
“By Halliedame,” quoth she,
“and Gods oune mother,
I well perceaue you are a
wylie brother;
For if there be a morsell of more price,
You’ll smell it out,
though I be nare so nice. 60
As you desire, so shall you swiue with
But think, your purse-strings
shall abye-it deare;
For, he that will eate quailes must lauish
And Mistris Francis, in her
veluett gounes, 64
And ruffs and perwigs as fresh as Maye,
Can not be kept with half
a croune a daye.”
“Of price, good hostess, we will
not debate,
Though you assize me at the
highest rate; 68