The Choise of Valentines eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 32 pages of information about The Choise of Valentines.

The Choise of Valentines eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 32 pages of information about The Choise of Valentines.

288 not thou, thou not:  refraine, refrayne.

289 reade thee, tell the; blab, blabb.  “Reade,” warn.

290 aduised, advisd; thou vainelie, thou soe vainely.

291 Transposed in Rawl.  MS. with line 292; wilt, shouldst.

292 Cicelie shewe but, Illian queene knowe; knauerie, bravery.

293 Denis shield, Dennis sheild; female sprites, femall sprightes.

294 Dames, dames; Cupid’s Poet, Cupid’s poett.

295 pennd, pen; storie onelie, story onely.

296 Who giuing suck unto a childish Elfe, And, giving yt to such an actuall Elfe.

297 And, am; discourag’d, discoraged; nurserie, mistery.

298 hir, her; penurie, misery.

300 seaventh iournie, seauenth Iourny.

301 want, wantes; hearbe’s, omitted; and, &; soile, soyle.

302 wearie, weary; toile, toyle.

303 Druggs or Electuaries of new devise, Or drugges or electuaryes of newe devises.

304 Doe shunne, that shame; that trembles, & tremble; the, thie; price, prices.  In the Rawl.  MS., lines 307-8 of the Petyt MS. follow here.

305 Sufficeth all I haue, I yeald hir hole, For that I allwayes had, I payd the wole.

307 I paie our hostess, I paid of both the; and, &; at moste, allmost.

308 And, yet; and, &; anie, any.

309 can, cann.

310 doune, downe.

311 climbe, clims; banks, bankes.

312 gentlemen, if I, gentleweomen doth this; not thanks, no thankes.

313 so, soe:  unto, vnto.

314 thread, thred; plaie is donne, playes done.

Project Gutenberg
The Choise of Valentines from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.