The Choise of Valentines eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 32 pages of information about The Choise of Valentines.

The Choise of Valentines eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 32 pages of information about The Choise of Valentines.

241-42 Omitted in Rawl.  MS.

243 For, by saint Runnion, he’le, And when I will he doth.

244 make, makes; bellie, belly.

245 whose triumph now, thy kingdome needes; falle, fall.

246 Except, eccept; walle, wall.

247 usurps, vsurpes; boure, bower.

248 undermines, vndermines; euerie howre, euery hower.

249 sly he, slyly; betwixt, betwene.

250 sucks, suckes; whilst, while; detaineth, deteyneth.

251 page, lake; stound, sound.  “Stound,” a moment.

252 “tent,” to search out.

253 Courtlie Nimphs, courtly nimphs; be so, are full.

254 blynd-alluring, blind-alluring.

255-6 Omitted in Rawl.  MS.

257 fortifies disdaine, fortifyes disdayne; forraine, foraigne.

258 And wanton-chaste deludes, while wantons chast delude.

259 anie, any; Mistris serue’s, Mistres serve.

260 Or, and; (unhappie) pines and staru’s, full deeply pyne and sterue.

261-64 Omitted in Rawl.  MS.

265 womans secretarie, woemans secretary.

266 Lett, let.

267 handfulls highe, handfulles high.

268 plumb, plump; yett hauing, and having.

269 rhewme so feruentlie doeth raigne, rheume soe fervently doth raine.

270 That, the; gulph maie, gulfe can; containe, conteyne.  Here follow, in the Rawl.  MS., lines 290-93 of the Petyt; lines 292-3 being also reversed in the Rawl. text.

271 Attired, attird; veluet, velvet.

272 nourisht, norisht; hott, warme; milk, milke.  “Whott,” hot.

273 Arm’d otherwhile, Running sometymes.

274 more glib, more like; to hell be lowe, downe into hell.

275 charriot, chariot; rydes, rides.

276 The which an arme strong driuer stedfast, An arme strong guider steadfastly him.

278 who, whoe; pathes unknowne, places vnknowne; gate, pace.

279 Sometimes, sometymes; smoothlie slideth doune a, smoothly slippeth downe a.

280 Another while, some other tymes.

281 clammie waies, clayey wayes; treaddeth, treadeth.

282 plasheth and sprayeth, placeth himself &; be him nye, standeth by.

283 So, soe; iollie rider, royall rider.

284 Plunging and sousing, Plungeing & sowsing; lyke, like.

285 He dasht, and spurted, and he plodded, Bedasht, bespotted, and beplotted.

286 blinde, foule.

287 Fy-fy, for grief, But free from greife; ladies chamberlaine, ladyes chamberlayne.

Project Gutenberg
The Choise of Valentines from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.