145 prickt, and pierst her, peirct her euer.
146 farre, deepe; might, could digg; “eath,” easy.
147 stryking, stricking; and, &.
148 Now dyuing deepe he toucht hir, And diving deeper, peircte her.
149 gird, girde.
150 Straite, then; statlie, stately.
151 him, he; so, soe.
152 pacient Grissill, patient Grissell; hir warde, his ward.
153 blythe, blith; free, fresh.
154 ere-more, euer; midle, middle of the.
155 him hir eyes continualy, her his eyes Continually.
156 hir eye-beames his, his eye-browes her; looke’s, eyes.
157 twixt, betwixt; plaies, playes.
158 one, the one; th’other cast’s rebounding, the other casting redounding.
159 He lyke, She like; reguild, requite.
160 Sucks-in, suckes; of Phebus, of sweete Phebus.
161 lynes, beames: descending, discending.
162 bright, deepest; hir dearest sight, the purest light.
163 Planet, plannet.
164 Hir puritie, her puritye.
165 verie chamber, verye Chamber; enclouds, includes.
166 Lookes lyke, seemes as; that God deuine, the gods devine.
167 Who, Whoe; daie, daye; Zodiake, Zodiacke.
168 euerie euen discends to th’oceane, in the even, settes of the ocean.
169 So fierce, soe feirce; is hir radiance, in her radiaunce.
170 fyrie stakes, flyeing breath; darts, dartes; euerie glance, every glaunce.
171 enflame, inflame; icie limmes, verry mappe.
172 make, cause; his seignedrie to aswage, him suddenly tasswage.
173 To, and; upon her, vppon those; lamps, lampes.
174 his chiefest ioyes encamps, his ioyes incampes.
175-6 Omitted in Rawl. MS.
177 Thus gazing, and thus striuing, we perseuer, Thus striking, thus gazeing, we perseuere.
178 what so firme, nought soe sure; maie, will; euer, ever.
179 Oh! Fleete; rauisht Mistris cryes, ravisht senses cries.
180 Leaste, sith; content that on, Content vppon.
181 Be, Which; too, soe; seat, seates.
182 And me unwares of hoped bliss defeat, me vnawares of blissefull hope defeates. Here occur two lines in the Rawl. MS. which do not appear in the Petyt MS., as follows:
Togeather lett our equall motions stirr,
Togeather lett vs liue and dye, my deare;
183 Together lett us marche unto content, Togeather let vs march with one contente.