106 Oh heaven and paradise are all, all earthly pleasures seeme to this.
107 Compar’d with this sight I now, Compard be these delightes which I.
109 prettie rysing, prettye rising; weame, wenne. “Wem,” spot or blemish.
110 shone, shine(s); anie siluer streame, any christall gemme.
111 bare, beares; bending, riseing; an, a.
112 a fountaine dwelleth still, the(r) runnes a fountayne still.
113 his, her; uglie bryers, rugged briers.
114 duskie, duskye; wyres, wires.
115 loftie, lusty; veines, vaines.
116 comelie, comely; distreines, restraines. “Distreines,” to seize, to touch.
117 wanton, harmles; harmlesse stype, wanton gripe.
118 fruites of loue oftsoone, fruite thereof too soone
119 And, A; too tymelie, to tymely; the stemme, his springe.
120 To dye ere it hath seene Jerusalem, it is, dyes ere it can enioye the vsed thinge.
121 Gods, Godes; euer anie, ever any; so, soe.
122 So suddenlie, soe suddenly; awaie, awaye.
123 Hir, Her; are spread and I am all unarm’d, and legges and all were spredd, But I was all vnarmed.
124 Lyke, like; with, that; charm’d, charmd.
125 Omitted in Rawl. MS.
126 spend their, spent there; hir, your.
128 It, Yt; beawtie cann, beauty can.
129 clap, clipp; I feele, I view, I wincke, I feele.
130 dead he lyes, lyes he dead; thinking, feeling.
131 Unhappie me, By Holly dame; stand, staund.
132 Com, now; rubb, roule; chafe, rub; with, in.
133 Perhaps, perhapps; sillie, seely; is labour’d, hath laboured.
134 wearied that it can, worked soe that it cann.
135 If it be so, Which if it be; am greate a-dread, doe greately dread.
136 tenne, ten; were, weare.
137 How ere it is, What ere it be; no, noe; want, lacke.
138 maie auaile to, maye avayle for; recouerie, recoverye.
139 saide, said; and rould, & rowld; hir thigh, her thighe.
140 And when she look’t on’t she would weepe and sighe, and looking downe on it, did groane and sighe.
141 dandled, haundled; dancet, daunced; up, vpp; doune, downe.
142 she rais’d, shee raisd; his swoune, her sound.
143 he flue, it flewe; hir, her; he, it.
144 hir breeche did hack and fayne, her breech laboured & foam’d.