66 with half a croune, for half a crowne.
67 hostess, hostes; we, wee.
68 Though, although.
69 bonnie, bonny.
70 tenne, tenn; gobbs I will unto thee tell, goblets vnto thee Ile tell. “Gob, a portion” (H).
71 lyke thee, like you.
72 doe I hir companie, I doe her company.
73 Awaie, Awaye; thing, worde.
74 That (mauger) will inuade, it makes invasion in.
75 Hey-ho, Loe! here; hearte, harte; keepe, keeping.
76 Lullabie, lullaby; and falle a sleepe, fall a sleeping.
77 coms, comes; ground, ground.
78 Hir, her; silkes, silcke; confound, Confound.
79 Oh, Awaye; rauisht, ravisht; voide, voyd; chamber, Chamber; streight, straight.
80 For I must neede’s be on hir, I must be straight vppon her.
81 smilde, smiled.
82 beguilde, beguiled.
83 With smiles, with flatt’ring wordes, and fained cheere, With sighes and flattering woordes and teares.
84 their, your; their, much; doeth appeare, still apeares.
85 how, How; lambkin, Tomalyn; replide, replied.
86 dancing, dauncing.
87 it be, be it; this, thy.
88 camp, campe.
89 onelie, only; sweete heart, sweete harte; came, cam.
90 auoide, avoyd; troblous and stormie, troublesome, stormye.
91 But now, And since; coaste, coast; we wil, I will.
92 Since, for; louer, louers.
93 sprung, sprunge; lips, lippes.
94 And fast about the neck me colle’s and clips, and about my neck she hugges, she calles, she clippes. “Coll” or “cull,” to kiss, to embrace; so also “clip.”
95 faints, faynes; vpon hir, vppon the.
96 tosseth, tosses; and fro hir, and froe her.
97 shutts hir eyes, shakes her feete.
98 who, whoe; abstaine, forbeare; long, longe.
99 I com, I com, I come, I come; lyning, Ladye; be, by.
100 Softlie my fingers up this curtaine heaue, softly my curtaines lett my fingers heaue.
101 make, send; happie, happye; stealing, sailing; degreese, degrees.
102 First bare hir leggs, then creepe up to hir kneese, First vnto the feete, and then vnto the kneese.
103 From thence, And soe; unto, vnto; mannely, manly.
104 lingring, lingering; am so, come soe.
105 Smock, Smocke; climbe, clime.