Christmas Stories And Legends eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 144 pages of information about Christmas Stories And Legends.

Christmas Stories And Legends eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 144 pages of information about Christmas Stories And Legends.

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A few days after, an angel came to the father, Joseph, and told him to take the Baby and hurry to the land of Egypt, for the wicked King wanted to do it harm, and so these three—­the father, mother and Baby—­went by night to the far country of Egypt.  And the star grew dimmer and dimmer and passed away forever from the skies over Bethlehem, but little Ruth grew straight and strong and beautiful as the almond trees in the orchard, and all the people who saw her were amazed, for Ruth was once a cripple.

“It was the light of the strange star,” her mother said, but little Ruth knew it was the touch of the blessed Christ-Child, who was once folded against her heart.

[*] Used by permission of the author and the publishers, Henry Altemus Company.

Project Gutenberg
Christmas Stories And Legends from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.