cost of manufacture depends mainly upon the yield
of ammonia, as the expenses remain almost the same
whether a large or a small amount of ammonia is obtained;
the only other item of importance is the quantity
of steam used in the process. We found the yield
of ammonia to vary with the temperature at which the
producer was working, and to be highest when the producer
was worked as cool as was compatible with a good combustion
of the fuel. The temperature again depended upon
the amount of steam introduced into the producer,
and of course decreased the more steam increased.
We obtained the best practical results by introducing
about two tons of steam for every ton of fuel consumed.
We experimented upon numerous kinds of fuel, common
slack and burgy of the Lancashire, Staffordshire, and
Nottinghamshire districts. We found not much
difference in the amount of nitrogen contained in
these fuels, which varied between 1.2 and 1.6 per cent.,
nor did we find much difference in the ammonia obtained
from these fuels if worked under similar conditions.
Employing the quantity of steam just named we recovered
about half the nitrogen in the form of ammonia, yielding
on an average 0.8 per cent. of ammonia, equal to 32
kilos, of sulphate per ton of fuel. In order to
obtain regular results we found it necessary to work
with a great depth of fuel in the producers, so that
slight irregularities in the working would not affect
results. Open burning kinds of slack do of course
work with the greater ease, but there is no difficulty
in using a caking fuel, as the low temperature at
which the producers work prevents clinkering and diminishes
the tendency of such fuels to cake together.
The quantity of steam thus required to obtain a good
yield of ammonia is rather considerable, and threatened
to become a serious item of expense. Only one-third
of this steam is decomposed, in its passage through
the producer, and two-thirds remain mixed with the
gases which leave the producer. My endeavors
were consequently directed toward finding means to
recover this steam, and to return it to the producers,
and also to utilize the heat of the gases which leave
the producers with a temperature of 450 deg. to 500
deg. C., for raising steam for the same purpose.
The difficulties in the way of attaining this end
and at the same time of recovering, in a simple manner,
the small amount of ammonia contained in the immense
volume of gas we have to deal with, were very great.
We obtain from one ton of coal 160,000 cubic feet
of dry gas at 0 deg. C. and atmospheric pressure.
The steam mixed with this gas as it leaves the producer
adds another 80,000 cubic feet to this, and the large
amount of latent heat in this quantity of steam makes
the problem still more difficult. The application
of cooling arrangements, such as have been successfully
applied to blast furnace gases, in which there is no
steam present, and which depend upon the cooling through
the metallic sides of the apparatus, is here practically
out of the question. After trying a number of
different kinds of apparatus, I have succeeded in solving
the problem in the following way: