The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 158 pages of information about The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing.

The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 158 pages of information about The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing.
line-spectra, and every chemical element possesses in the incandescent gaseous state its own characteristic lines of certain colour and certain refrangibility, by means of which that element can be recognised.  To observe this you place a Bunsen burner opposite the slit of the spectroscope, and introduce into its colourless flame on the end of a platinum wire a little of a volatile salt of the metal or element to be examined.  The flame of the lamp itself is often coloured with a distinctiveness that is sufficient for a judgment to be made with the aid of the naked eye alone, as to the metal or element present.  Thus soda and its salts give a yellow flame, which is absolutely yellow or monochromatic, and if you look through your prism or spectroscope at it, you do not see a coloured rainbow band or spectrum, as with daylight or gaslight, but only one yellow double line, just where the yellow would have been if the whole spectrum had been represented.  I think it is now plain that for the sake of observations and exact discrimination, it is necessary to map out our spectrum, and accordingly, in one of the tubes, the third, the spectroscope is provided with a graduated scale, so adjusted that when we look at the spectrum we also see the graduations of the scale, and so our spectrum is mapped; the lines marked out and named with the large and small letters of the alphabet, are certain of the prominent Fraunhofer’s lines (see A, B, C, a, d, etc., Fig. 16).  We speak, for example, of the soda yellow-line as coinciding with D of the spectrum.  These, then, are spectra produced by luminous bodies.

The colouring matters and dyes, their solutions, and the substances dyed with them, are not, of course, luminous, but they do convert white light which strikes upon or traverses them into coloured light, and that is why they, in fact, appear either as coloured substances or solutions.  The explanation of the coloured appearance is that the coloured substances or solutions have the power to absorb from the white light that strikes or traverses them, all the rays of the spectrum but those which are of the colour of the substance or solution in question, these latter being thrown off or reflected, and so striking the eye of the observer.  Take a solution of Magenta, for example, and place a light behind it.  All the rays of that white light are absorbed except the red ones, which pass through and are seen.  Thus the liquid appears red.  If a dyed piece be taken, the light strikes it, and if a pure red, from that light all the rays but red are absorbed, and so red light alone is reflected from its surface.  But this is not all with a dyed fabric, for here the light is not simply reflected light; part of it has traversed the upper layers of that coloured body, and is then reflected from the interior, losing a portion of its coloured rays by absorption.  This reflected coloured light is always mixed with a certain amount of white light reflected from the actual surface of the body before

Project Gutenberg
The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.