The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 158 pages of information about The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing.

The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 158 pages of information about The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing.

By a very simple experiment a little of a very fine violet dye can be made from mere traces of the materials.  One of the raw materials for preparing this violet dye is a substance with a long name, which itself was prepared from aniline.  This substance is tetramethyldiamidobenzophenone, and a little bit of it is placed in a small glass test-tube, just moistened with a couple of drops of another aniline derivative called dimethylaniline, and then two drops of a fuming liquid, trichloride of phosphorus, added.  On simply warming this mixture, the violet dyestuff is produced in about a minute.  Two drops of the mixture will colour a large cylinder of water a beautiful violet.  The remainder (perhaps two drops more) will dye a skein of silk a bright full shade of violet.  Here, then, is a magnificent example of enormous tinctorial power.  I must now draw the rein, or I shall simply transport you through a perfect wonderland of magic, bright colours and apparent chemical conjuring, without, however, an adequate return of solid instruction that you can carry usefully with you into every-day life and practice.


------------------------ DYEING POWERS OF COLOURS FROM 1 TON OF LANCASHIRE COAL. ------------+------------+------------+-------------+-------
------+------------ 0.623 lb. of|1.34 lb. of |9.5 lb. of |7.11 lb. of |1.2 lb. of |2.25 lb. of Magenta will|Methyl |Naphthol |Vermilline |Aurin will |Alizarin dye 500 |Violet will |Yellow will |will dye 2560|dye 120 |(20%) will yards of |dye 1000 |dye 3800 |yards of |yards of |dye 255 flannel, 27 |yards of |yards of |flannel, 27 |flannel, 27 |yards of inches wide,|flannel, 27 |flannel, 27 |inches wide, |inches wide, |Printers’ a full |inches wide,|inches wide,|a full |a full |cloth a full shade. |a full |a full |scarlet. |orange. |Turkey red. |violet. |yellow. | | | ------------+------------+------------+-------------+-------
------------------- DYEING POWERS OF COLOURS FROM 1 LB.  OF LANCASHIRE COAL. ------------+------------+------------+-------------+-------
------+------------ Methyl | Naphthol Vermilline | Aurin | Alizarin Magenta or Violet. | Yellow. or Scarlet. | (Orange). |(Turkey Red) ------------+------------+------------+-------------+-------
------+------------ 8 x 27 |24 x 27 |61 x 27 |41 x 27 |1.93 x 27 |4 x 27 inches of |inches of |inches of |inches of |inches of |inches of flannel. |flannel. |flannel. |flannel. |flannel. |Printers’ | | | | |cloth. ------------+------------+------------+-------------+-------

[Footnote 3:  These tables were compiled by Mr. Ivan Levinstein, of Manchester.]

Project Gutenberg
The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.