The School of Recreation (1696 edition) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 159 pages of information about The School of Recreation (1696 edition).

The School of Recreation (1696 edition) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 159 pages of information about The School of Recreation (1696 edition).

Consider once more, as to this Example, as to the fifth Bar after all the six are Sung by you, repeat the last four, viz. Ce, B, La, G, do it often over, keeping them up in the same Tone they had in all six, by which means Ce and B will be distant half a Note, whereupon Sing them backward, viz. G, La, B, Ce, and at the end repeat D Ce, as you did Le Fa at the thirteenth Bar before set down.

[Illustration:  Music]

Observe further now in these Six Bars, that when you have Sung all six in order, Sing the three first Le, D, Ce, and there stop; then proceed to Sing those three over again in the same Tune, nor calling them Le, D, Ce, but Three, Four, Five; do it several times, and so proceed to the Seventh Bar, adding two Notes above, and Sing them on the five Bells, viz. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, three or four times; then call them by their names, viz. G, Fa, Le, D, Ce, then proceed to the Eighth Bar, and add to the other five D, La, G, to make up an Octave, keeping in your Mind the distances, as you Sing them in the former Examples; and by this means you have the whole Octave or Eight Notes from G to G, which must be practised down and up, and when you are perfect in it, so as to Sing your distances true with the Semi-tones in their right places, the following directions will lead you through the rest of the Notes to Sing any other Octave, beginning at any other Letter.

[Illustration:  Music]

Begin at Le again in the Ninth Bar, and begin the six Notes, viz. Le, D, Ce, B, La, G, in proper order, that done, repeat the two last Notes, viz. La, G, by themselves:  so proceed to the tenth Bar, and Sing La, G, Fa, Le, D, Ce, so that La and G, may be the same in Tune as you found them in the former Six; and if so be your Voice will not reach Ce, at the pitch you began the first Bar, then Sing as far as you can, or begin at Le, at the ninth Bar higher, Singing these three last Bars distinctly from the Foregoing.

[Illustration:  Music]

In the Eleventh Bar you must Sing backward, your six last Notes, viz. Ce, D, Le, Fa, G, La. rising from Ce, to La, so going one step Backward to G, rise to Ce, as in the foregoing fifth Bar, which is an Octave to the lower Ce.  And thus much may suffice for the Beginner to practice on, which, if well understood, will bring him in to Sing Notes in any Tune.


Herein let us first observe the choice of a Cock of the Game, directed by these four Characters following:  That he be: 

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The School of Recreation (1696 edition) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.