All Peals upon Six Bells, wherein half the Changes are Triples, will go upon Eight according to the method before-going, thus; If it be a Peal upon Six consisting of 360, or 720 Changes, then there must be five Hunts in the Ringing of it upon Eight, the Treble being the first, 2 the Second, _&c._
College Bob Major.
Quadruples and Triples.
There is four ways of pricking these. The first hath single Dodging behind, and is thus Peal’d.
The First.
12345678 | -------- | 21436587 | 56348271 | 78136524 24163578 | 53684721 | 71863542 42615387 | 35867412 | 17685324 46251378 | 38576142 | 16758342 64523187 | 83751624 | 65432817 | 87315642 |
The Second.
This hath Single Dodging before and behind, thus prickt.
12345678 | -------- | 21436587 | 42358671 | 42173865 24163578 | 24385761 | 41237856 42615387 | 42837516 | 14328765 24651378 | 24873156 | 13482756 42563187 | 42781365 | 24536817 | 24718356 |
The Third.
This hath double Dodging behind, thus Prickt.
12345678 -------- | 21436587 | 63548271 | 78153624 24135678 | 65384721 | 71856342 42316587 | 56837412 | 17583624 43261578 | 58673142 | 15786342 34625187 | 85761324 | 36452817 | 87216342 |
The Fourth.
This hath double Dodging before and behind both, thus.
12345678 -------- | 21436587 | 42638571 | 42167358 24135678 | 24368751 | 41263785 42316587 | 42637815 | 14627358 24361578 | 24367185 | 16423785 42635187 | 42631758 | 24365817 | 24613785 |
These may be prick’t several other ways, but that I Omit here for Brevities sake; The Dodging is without Intermission, except an hinderence comes by the Treble; as likewise between two Bells, until Treble parts the Fray. The Bobs are Triple Changes, as the Treble leads; in the 1st. 2d. and 6th. the Bell in the 4th. place lies still at the Bobs, and in the 3d. 4th. and 5th. that in the 2d. place lies still.
Each of these will go 112 Changes, and by making Bobs 224, 336, or 672.
College Triples Dodging both before and behind.
This Peal is the same for Bobs, as the Bob Major, and will go as many Changes by making Bobs, or otherwise, as any of the foregoing Four, and is thus Peal’d.
12345678 | -------- | 21436587 | 42568371 | 42157836 24153678 | 24586731 | 41275863 42513687 | 42587613 | 14725836 24531678 | 24578163 | 17452863 42536187 | 42571836 | 24563817 | 24517863 |
The Wild-Goose Chase
The Explanation shall follow the Peal; intending here to put an end to my Epitome of the Art of Ringing, and therefore shall first present you with this Prick’t thus.