The Bay State Monthly, Volume 3, No. 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 301 pages of information about The Bay State Monthly, Volume 3, No. 6.

The Bay State Monthly, Volume 3, No. 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 301 pages of information about The Bay State Monthly, Volume 3, No. 6.
The best, the largest, the most entertaining, the most beautifully illustrated, and the widest in range, of all magazines for young people.  It is the official organ of the C.Y.F.R.U., and, as heretofore, will publish the Required Readings, and all needed information for members of the Union.  The magazine proper will be even more brilliant and valuable than before during the next year.
Ideal literature and ideal art for young people and the family, for entertainment, for the healthful training of the body and the liberal education for the mind, fill this magazine each month from cover to cover.  It has won recognition from the American and English press as the largest and best, the most beautiful and original, and the most ably edited magazine of its class in the world.  It gives each month original music by eminent composers.
“WIDE AWAKE” is the wonder of all the wonderfully beautiful children’s magazines and books of America.  Without dispute the largest, handsomest, most artistic and best young people’s periodical ever issued.  There is no juvenile magazine published in the country so carefully edited.”—­Boston Transcript.

  “A treasure of good morals.”—­N.Y.  Tribune.

  “At the head of juvenile periodical stands WIDE AWAKE all the
  time.”—­Phil.  Inquirer.

  “A whole family library in itself.”—­Putnam Patriot.

  “Unsurpassed in skilful adaptation to young folks’ needs.”—­Chicago


  THE PANSY Edited by Mrs. G.R.  Alden (Pansy).

  _$1.00 a year; 10 cts. a number._

  For both week-day and Sunday reading, THE PANSY holds the first place in
  the hearts of the children, and in the approval of earnest-minded

  Among pictorial periodicals especially designed for Boys and Girls, it
  stands royal leader, and as a Christian Home Magazine for young folks,
  it is without question the best and the most attractive magazine in the
  world.  Pansy’s own bright, quick-seeing spirit inspires all her
  contributors.  Very fully illustrated.



  Chautauqua Young Folks’ Journal.
  75 cts. a year; 7 cts. a number.

  This new periodical is intensely interesting to both old and young, as
  well as practical.  It contains the Course of the C.Y.F.R.U.  Readings
  (issued also in WIDE AWAKE) and additional features of varied interest. 
  Beginning with the December issue, the CHAUTAUQUA YOUNG FOLKS’ JOURNAL
  gives a fine illustrated historical serial story.  It is a stirring tale
  of old Knickerbocker New York, and its accounts are as true as they are
  exciting.  It is written by Elbridge S. Brooks, and is entitled, “In
  Leisler’s Time.”  Send for a circular giving full information about the
  C.Y.F.R.U.  Reading Course.

Project Gutenberg
The Bay State Monthly, Volume 3, No. 6 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.