The Bay State Monthly, Volume 3, No. 5 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 149 pages of information about The Bay State Monthly, Volume 3, No. 5.

The Bay State Monthly, Volume 3, No. 5 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 149 pages of information about The Bay State Monthly, Volume 3, No. 5.

But, “hurry up” became the word when the drums and fifes gave notice that the regiment was on the move, and that somebody would “get left” if they did not practise the “Pas redouble.”

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By Teresa Herrick.

  I watch the mighty breakers rear, and dash
    Against the shore,
  I hear the sad complaining of the sea;
  There rises in my soul a ceaseless song,
    A lonely wail;
  A yearning for the golden days to come,
  A craving to be deluged in that Sea
    Whose waves are loves

  And now I see the gray mist creeping down
    Upon the sea. 
  The bright blue waves are hidden from my sight;
    Ah me, ah me,
  Thou too, O Sea of God’s Immensity
    From me art screened;
  But till the mists be lifted up I wait,
  Wait patiently and long, then will I plunge
    Beneath Thy waves
    O wondrous Sea!

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By Samuel Roads, Jr.


The news of the fall of Fort Sumter aroused the entire North to action.  The great civil war which had so long been threatened could no longer be averted, and in every town and hamlet, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, the people rose as one man to defend the integrity of the Union.

On the 15th of April, President Lincoln issued his first proclamation calling for seventy-five thousand militia for a three months’ service.  The news was received in Marblehead, Mass., late in the afternoon of that day, and the three militia companies were at once notified by their respective commanders to be in readiness to take the early morning train for Boston.  These companies were:  The Marblehead Sutton Light Infantry, Company C, Eighth Regiment, commanded by Capt.  Knott V. Martin; The Lafayette Guards, Company B, Eighth Regiment, commanded by Capt.  Richard Phillips; and the Glover Light Guards, Company H, Eighth Regiment, commanded by Capt.  Francis Boardman.

The morning of Tuesday, the 16th of April, broke cold and stormy.  Notwithstanding the rain and sleet which rendered the cold weather uncomfortable in the extreme, the streets of Marblehead were filled with an excited throng of people.  Wives and mothers and fathers and children were represented there in the dense crowd, all anxious to speak a farewell word to the soldiers on their departure.  The first companies to leave town were those commanded by Captains Martin and Boardman, which marched to the depot and took the half-past seven o’clock train for Boston.  Captain Phillips’ company took the train which left Marblehead about an hour and a half later.

As the trains slowly left the depot, the cheers of the assembled multitude were re-echoed by the soldiers in the cars.  “God bless you!” “Good-by!” resounded on all sides; and it was not until the last car had disappeared in the distance, that the great crowd began to disperse.

Project Gutenberg
The Bay State Monthly, Volume 3, No. 5 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.