History Of Ancient Civilization eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about History Of Ancient Civilization.

History Of Ancient Civilization eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about History Of Ancient Civilization.
translated by Yonge. 1894. 
  Julian the Emperor:  Works, translated by King. 1888. 
  Eusebius:  Ecclesiastical History and Life of Constantine translated
    by McGiffert. 1890. 
  Jerome:  Works. 
  Augustine:  Works. 
  Munro:  Source Book of Roman History. 1904. 
  Greenidge and Clay:  Sources for Roman History B.C. 133-70. 1903. 
  Gwatkin:  Selections from Early Christian Writers. 1893.

  Ihne:  Early Rome. 1893. 
  Allcroft and Mason:  Struggle for Empire. 1893
  Church:  Carthage. 1886. 
  Smith:  Carthage and the Carthaginians. 1890. 
  Smith:  Rome and Carthage. 1891. 
  Arnold:  Second Punic War. 1849. 
  Dodge:  Life of Hannibal. 1891. 
  Morris:  Hannibal. 1897. 
  How:  Hannibal and the Great War between Rome and Carthage. 1899. 
  Allcroft and Mason:  Rome under the Oligarchs. 1893. 
  Beesly:  Gracchi, Marius, and Sulla. 1893. 
  Allcroft and Mason:  Decline of the Oligarchy. 1893. 
  Oman:  Seven Roman Statesmen. 1902. 
  Beesly:  Catiline, Clodius, and Tiberius. 1898. 
  Strachan-Davidson:  Cicero. 1894. 
  Forsyth:  Life of Cicero. 1877. 
  Boissier:  Cicero and His Friends. 1897. 
  Froude:  Caesar. 1879. 
  Dodge:  Caesar. 1892. 
  Fowler:  Caesar. 1892. 
  Merivale:  The Roman Triumvirates. 1877. 
  Holmes:  Caesar’s Conquest of Gaul. 1899. 
  Mahaffy:  Greek World under Roman Sway. 1890. 
  Bossier:  Roman Africa. 1899. 
  Bossier:  Rome and Pompeii. 1896. 
  Hall:  The Romans on the Riviera and the Rhone. 1898. 
  Bury:  (Students’) Roman Empire. 1893. 
  Capes:  Early Roman Empire. 1886. 
  Mommsen:  Provinces of the Roman Empire. 1887. 
  Firth:  Augustus Caesar. 1903. 
  Shuckburgh:  Augustus. 1903. 
  Tarver:  Tiberius the Tyrant. 1902. 
  Dill:  Roman Society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius. 1904. 
  Gregorovius:  The Emperor Hadrian. 1898. 
  Bryant:  Reign of Antoninus. 1896. 
  Capes:  Age of the Antonines. 1887. 
  Watson:  Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. 1884. 
  Firth:  Constantine the Great. 1905. 
  Negri:  Julian the Apostate. 1905. 
  Gardner:  Julian. 1895. 
  Glover:  Life and Letters in the Fourth Century. 1901. 
  Dill:  Roman Society in the Last Century of the Western Empire. 1899. 
  Kingsley:  Roman and Teuton. 1889. 
  Hodgkin:  Dynasty of Theodosius. 1889. 
  Villari:  Barbarian Invasions of Italy. 1902. 
  Hodgkin:  Italy and Her Invaders, 1892-9. 
  Sheppard:  Fall of Rome. 1861. 
  Bury:  Later Roman Empire. 1889. 
  Oman:  Byzantine Empire. 1892.

  Ramsay-Lanciani:  Manual of Roman Antiquities. 1895. 
  Smith:  Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities.  Murray. 1890-1. 
  Sayffert:  Dictionary of Classical Antiquities, edited by Nettleship
    and Sandys. 1895. 
  Schreiber:  Atlas of Classical Antiquities. 1895.

Project Gutenberg
History Of Ancient Civilization from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.