History Of Ancient Civilization eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about History Of Ancient Civilization.

History Of Ancient Civilization eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 346 pages of information about History Of Ancient Civilization.
  Thucydides:  Translated by Jowett. 
  Xenophon:  Dakyns’ edition. 1890-7. 
  Demosthenes:  Works translated by Kennedy. 
  Arrian:  Translated in Bonn Library. 
  Pausanias:  Description of Greece.  Frazer’s edition. 
  Polybius:  Shuckburgh’s edition. 1889. 
  Plutarch:  Lives.  Translated by Stewart and Long. 4 v., 1880. 
  Plutarch:  Lives.  North’s translation.

  Tsountas-Manatt:  Mycenaean Age. 1896. 
  Ridgeway:  The Early Age in Greece. 1901. 
  Freeman:  Studies of Travel:  Greece. 1893. 
  Clerke:  Familiar Studies in Homer. 1892. 
  Jebb:  Introduction to Homer. 1887. 
  Allcroft and Mason:  Early Grecian History. 1898. 
  Benjamin:  Troy. 1880. 
  Allcroft and Mason:  Making of Athens. 1898. 
  Cox:  Greeks and Persians. 1876. 
  Grundy:  The Great Persian War. 1901. 
  Cox:  Athenian Empire. 1877. 
  Lloyd:  Age of Pericles. 1875. 
  Abbott:  Pericles. 1895. 
  Grant:  Greece in the Age of Pericles. 1893. 
  Allcroft and Mason:  Peloponnesian War. 1898. 
  Freeman:  Sicily. 1892. 
  Allcroft and Mason:  Sparta and Thebes. 1898. 
  Sankey:  Spartan and Theban Supremacies. 1877. 
  Allcroft and Mason:  Decline of Hellas. 1898. 
  Curteis:  Rise of the Macedonian Empire. 1878. 
  Hogarth:  Philip and Alexander. 1897. 
  Wheeler:  Alexander the Great. 1900. 
  Mahaffy:  Alexander’s Empire. 1887. 
  Mahaffy:  Problems in Greek History. 1892. 
  Bevan:  House of Seleucus. 1902. 
  Mahaffy:  Empire of Egypt under the Ptolemies. 1899. 
  Mahaffy:  Greek Life and Thought. 1887.

  Fowler:  City-State of the Greeks and Romans. 1893. 
  Greenidge:  Greek Constitutional History. 1896. 
  Schoemann:  Antiquities of Greece. 1886. 
  Cox:  Lives of Greek Statesmen. 1886. 
  Gilbert:  Constitutional Antiquities of Athens and Sparta. 1895. 
  Botsford:  Athenian Constitution. 1893
  Whibley:  Greek Oligarchies. 1896. 
  Whibley:  Political Parties in Athens in the Pelopponnesian War. 1889. 
  Freeman:  History of Federal Government. 1863.

  Bluemner:  Home Life of the Ancient Greeks. 1893. 
  Mahaffy:  Social Life in Greece. 1887. 
  Mahaffy:  A Survey of Greek Civilisation. 1899. 
  Guhl and Koner:  Life of the Greeks and Romans. 1877. 
  Becker:  Charicles. 
  Cunningham:  Western Civilisation in its Economic Aspects 1898. 
  Davidson:  Education of the Greek People. 1894. 
  Mahaffy:  Old Greek Education. 1882.

  Mahaffy:  History of Classical Greek Literature. 1880. 
  Murray:  Ancient Greek Literature. 1897. 
  Jevons:  History of Greek Literature. 1886. 
  Jebb:  Primer of Greek Literature. 1878. 
  Jebb:  Classical Greek Poetry. 
  Symonds:  The Greek Poets. 
  Jebb:  The Attic Orators. 1876. 
  Pater:  Greek Studies. 1895.

Project Gutenberg
History Of Ancient Civilization from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.