Henrik Ibsen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about Henrik Ibsen.

Henrik Ibsen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about Henrik Ibsen.

+Spectres.+ See Ghosts

+Spectacular+ in Ibsen.  Cur.  Lit. 31:727.  Dec. 1901.

+Study Course.+ Heller, O. Henrik Ibsen; study course.  Drama League
    Monthly 2 no. 1:353-64
  Jenkins, W. E. Before and after Ibsen; a course comparing and
    contrasting the old and new technique.

+Stuetzen der Gesellschaft.+ See Pillars of society

+Swedenborgian influence+
  Rose, H. Ibsen as a religious teacher.  Contemp. 93:  692-708.  June

+Symbolism.+ See also Brand, Lady of the sea, Little Eyolf, Master
    builder, Peer Gynt, When we dead awaken, Wild duck. 
  Bordeaux, H. Realisme et symbolisme.  Mercure de France. 12:57-66.
  Ehrhard, A. Le symbolisme d’Ibsen. In Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen....
    p. 339-54. 
  Faguet, E. Symbolism in Ibsen’s dramas.  Internat. 8:839-41.  Dec. 1903. 
  Grummann, P. H. Ibsen’s symbolism in The master builder, and When we
    dead awaken.  Nebraska Univ.  Studies 10:235-41. 1910. 
  Lee, J. Ibsen secret. 
  Sturtevant, A. M. Some phases of Ibsen’s symbolism.  Pub.  Soc.  Adv. of
    Scand. study v. 2. no. 1. p. 25-45.  Oct. 1914. 
  Tridon.  A. Symbolism of Peer Gynt.  Theatre (N.Y.) 7:48-9.  Feb. 1907.

+Technique.+ See also Art
  Colbron, G. T. Ibsen and the stage system.  Critic 49:41-5.  July 1906. 
  Hamilton, C. Theory of the theatre.  N.Y. 1910. p. 18 seq. 
  Henderson, A. How Ibsen made his plays.  Bookm. 31:  492-7.  July 1910. 
  Ibsen’s technique.  New Republic 2:106.  Feb. 27, 1915. 
  Lindau, P. Ibsen’s Arbeitsart. 
  Lothar, R. Henrik Ibsen. 
  Matthews, B. Ibsen the playwright. In Matthews, B. Inquiries and
    Same. Bookm. 22:568-75, 23:18-27.  Feb.-Mar. 1906.

+Terje Vigen+ (poem). 
  Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen, p. 84-85.

+To Henrik Ibsen;+ poem.  Gosse, E. Ath. 1902, 1:371.  Mar. 22, 1902

  Ehrenfels, Christian von.  Die wertschaetzung der kunst bei Wagner,
    Ibsen und Tolstoi. 
  Halbert, A. Henrik Ibsen und L. Tolstoi.  Die Dichtung 1:  no. 12, 1907.
  ——­ Henrik Ibsen und Leo Tolstoi.  Eine vergleichende Studie ueber
    ihre kuenstlerischen und kulturellen Einfluesse. 
  Ibsen and Tolstoy.  R. of R. 43:476-7.  April 1911. 
  Lienhard, F. Tolstoi und Ibsen. In Lienhard, F. Neue ideale.

+Tragoedie+ oder Komoedie?  Eine Frage an die Ibsenleser.  Leipzig.  Hirzel.
    1910. 135p.

  Archer, W. Ibsen as he is translated Time 22:37. 1889. 
  Franc, M. English translations. In Franc, M. Ibsen in England,
    p. 57-75, 163-67. 
  Ibsen and his translators.  Nation 50:67-8.  Jan. 23, 1890.

+Tree, Beerbohm+
  Beerbohm Tree on Ibsen.  Gent.  M. 272:103.  Jan. 1892.

Project Gutenberg
Henrik Ibsen from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.