Henrik Ibsen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about Henrik Ibsen.

Henrik Ibsen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about Henrik Ibsen.

+Roman Plays.+ See also Catilina, Emperor and Galilean
  Sokolowsky, R. Henrik Ibsens Romerdramen. In Euphorion 9:593-608.

  Andreas-Salome, Frau L. Henrik Ibsens kvindeskikkelser. p. 79-104. 
  Boyesen, H. H. Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen. p. 263-77. 
  Brandes, G. Henrik Ibsen.  Bjornstjerne Bjornson. p. 100-102. 
  Ehrhard, A. Henrik Ibsen.... p. 392-417. 
  Felden, E. Rosmersholm. In Felden, E. Alles oder nichts! p. 154-65. 
  Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen. p. 167-71. 
  Hanstein, A. von.  Ibsen als Idealist, p. 139-52. 
  Jaeger.  H. Henrik Ibsen og hans vaerker. p. 176-83.
  ——­ Henrik Ibsen. (Chic. 1901). p. 259-70. 
  Lambek, C. Bidrag til Ibsen-kritiken. p. 124-39. 
  Litzmann, B. Ibsens Dramen. p. 89-106. 
  MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man. ... p. 259-72. 
  N. N. Ibsen’s Rosmersholm.  Nation 52:215-16.  Mar. 12, 1891. 
  Reich, E. Henrik Ibsens Dramen. p. 307-46. 
  Roberts, R. E. Henrik Ibsen. ch. 7. 
    Nation 52:216-17.  Mar. 12, 1891;
    Sat.  R. 71:258, 1889;
    Theatre (Lond.) 26:196. 1890. 
  Rosmersholm, Production at Lyric theatre, N.Y.City.  Theatre (N.Y.)
    8:32-3.  Feb. 1908. 
  Schack, A. Om udviklingsgangen i Ibsens digtning. p. 149-60. 
  Schmitt, E. R. Ibsen als Prophet, p. 314-21. 
  Seidl, A. Rosmersholm. In Seidl, A. Kunst und kultur. p. 113-20. 
  Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsenism. p. 105-114. 
  Simons, L. Ibsen as an artist.  Westm. 140:506-13.  Nov. 1893. 
  Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 2. p. 166-196. 
  Woodbridge, H. E. Fruit of the tree and Rosmersholm.  Nation. 85:514. 
    Dec. 5, 1907.

+Russell+ and Standing on Ibsen.  McLay, H S. W. Citizen. 3:230. 1897.

+Saga plays+
  MacFall, H. Ibsen, the man. ... p. 74-100.

+Samfundets Stotter.+ See Pillars of Society

+Sankthansnatten+ (St. John’s Night)
  Jaeger, H. Henrik Ibsen, (Chic. 1901). p. 87-89. 
  Lescofier, J. La nuit de la Saint Jean.  Rev. Germ. 1905:298-306. 
  Paasche, F. Gildet paa Solhaug, p. 56ff. 
  Seip, D. A. Henrik Ibsen og K. Knudsen.  Edda 1:145-63. 1914. 
  Sturtevant, A. M. Ibsens Sankthansnatten.  Jour.  Eng. and Germ.  Phil.
    14:357-74. 1914. 
  Woerner, R. Henrik Ibsen. v. 1. p. 60-62.

+St. John’s Night.+ See Sankthansnatten

+Sand, Georg.+ See Basch, V. Ibsen et G. Sand

+Sarcey+ on Ibsen.  Adams, W. D. Theatre (Lond.) 37:19. 1896.

+Sardou.+ See Wolff, E. Sardou, Ibsen, etc.

  Gosse, E. Henrik Ibsen, the Norwegian satirist. In Gosse, E. Studies
    in the literature of Northern Europe.
  ——­ Henrik Ibsen. p. 78-109.

  Gosse, E. Ibsen the Norwegian satirist. In Gosse, E. Studies in the
    literature of Northern Europe;
    Same. Gosse, E. Northern studies.  Fortn. 19:74-88.  Jan. 1873;
    Every Sat. 14:133. 1872.
  ——­ Henrik Ibsen. p. 74-100.

Project Gutenberg
Henrik Ibsen from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.