Henrik Ibsen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about Henrik Ibsen.

Henrik Ibsen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 98 pages of information about Henrik Ibsen.

+Firkins, Oscar W.+ Hedda Gabler [Neighborhood Playhouse, N.Y.].  Review
    1:525-6. 1919.
——­ When we dead awaken [Neighborhood Playhouse, N.Y.].  Review 1:568.

+Fiske, Minnie Maddern.+ On Ibsen the unpopular. In Mrs. Fiske:  her
    views on actors, acting, and the problems of production, recorded by
    Alexander Woollcott.  New York. 1917. p. 41-74.
  Same. Century 93:529-38.

+Fitzgerald, Percy.+ Ibsen.  New Century Rev. 3:113-21. 1898.

+Flower, B. O.+ Review of Henderson’s Interpreters of the modern spirit. 
    Twentieth Century 4:161-6. 1911.

+Ford, J. L.+ Ibsen performance in New York.  Munsey 22:  610-11. 1900.

+Forsyth, P. T.+ Ibsen’s treatment of guilt.  Hibbert Journal 14:105-22.

+Franc, Miriam.+ Ibsen in England.  Boston. 1919. 195p.

+France, W. O.+ Ibsen’s letters.  Nation 82:243-4. 1906.

+Franklin, F.+ Ibsenism and truth. In Franklin, F. People and
    problems.  N.Y. p. 308-11.

+Franz, Rudolf.+ Der Monolog und Ibsen.  Halle. 1908. 168p.

+Fulda, Ludwig.+ Nordische Heerfahrt.  Freie Buehne 1:72-4. 1890.

+Fuller, Edward.+ Ibsen’s social dramas.  New Eng.  M. n.s. 2:584-90.

+Garborg, Arne.+ Henrik Ibsens En folkefiende.  Nyt tidsskrift. 1882.
    p. 571-81.
——­ Henrik Ibsens “Kejser og Galilaeer”; en kritisk studie.  Christiania
    1874. 71p.

+Garde, Axel.+ Der Grundgedanke in Henrik Ibsens Dichtung.  Uebertrag.
    aus. d.  Daen. v.  Carl Kuechler.  Leipzig 1898. 48p.

+Garland, Hamlin.+ Ibsen as a dramatist.  Arena 2:72-82. 1890. ——­ Influence of Ibsen. In Garland, H. Crumbling idols.  Chicago.
    1894. 20p.

+Geiger, A.+ Der Pfarrer in Ibsens Dramen.  Beilage zur Allgemeine
    Zeitung. 1901.  Nr. 261-2.

+Genung, C. H.+ Ibsen’s Spectres.  Nation 44:116-17. 1887.

+Gerfault, M.+ Ibsen.  Revue Socialiste 44:18-36. 1906.

+Gejerstam, G. af.+ Ibsen der Mensch.  Schaubuehne 2:25-30. 1906.

+Gietmann, Gerhard.+ Henrik Ibsen.  Frankfuerter Zeitgemaesse Broschueren
    Bd. 26, Hft. 8:211-48. 40p. 1907.

+Giglio-Tos, Efisio.+ La morale nel teatro d’lbsen.  Torino. 1904. 140p.

+Gilliland, M. S.+ Ibsen’s women.  London. 1894. 32p.

+Gizycki, Lily von. (Braun).+ Die Neue Frau in der Dichtung.  Stuttgart.
    1896. 40p.

+Gnad, E.+ Literarische Essays.  Neue Folge.  Wien. 1894. p. 1-37.

+Goldman, Emma.+ Henrik Ibsen. In Social significance of modern drama. 
    Boston. 1914. p 11-42.

+Goldschmidt, K. W.+ Henrik Ibsen.  Berlin. 1901. 30p.

+Goodman, E. J.+ Ibsen at Christiana.  Theatre (London) 35:146. 1895.

Project Gutenberg
Henrik Ibsen from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.