Brown, John (of Va.), slave-trader, 52.
Brown, John (of R.I.), 85-87.
Buchanan, James A., refuses to co-operate with England,
issues “Ostend Manifesto,”
as president, enforces slave-trade laws,
messages, 291, 294-95, 298.
Buchanan, Governor of Sierra Leone, 164.
Bullock, Collector of Revenue, 116.
Burgesses, Virginia House of, petitions vs. slave-trade,
declares vs. slave-trade, 21;
in “Association,” 48.
Burke, Aedanus (of S.C.), 78-80.
Butler, Pierce (of S.C.), Senator, 65.
CALHOUN, J.C., 155 n.
California, vessels bound to, 162.
Campbell, John, Congressman, 108.
Campbell, Commander, U.S.N., 118 n.
Canning, Stratford, British Minister, 138, 140.
Canot, Capt., slave-trader, 184.
Cape de Verde Islands, 185.
Cartwright, Edmund, 152.
Cass, Lewis, 147-51, 281.
Castlereagh, British Cabinet Minister, 135, 136.
Cato, insurrection of the slave, 18.
“Centinel,” newspaper correspondent, 67.
Central America, 177.
Chandalier Islands, 119.
Chandler, John (of N.H.), 104 n.
Charles II., of England, 10.
Charleston, S.C., attitude toward “Association,”
slave-trade at, 89, 92, 93, 96, 113, 165.
Chew, Beverly, Collector of Revenue, 116, 118.
Chili, 150.
Chittenden, Martin (of Vt.), 109 n.
Claiborne, Wm., Governor of La., 92.
Clarkson, William, 53, 134.
Clay, J.B. (of Ky.), Congressman, 175.
Clay, Congressman, 102 n.
Clearance of slavers, 157, 162, 164, 184, 280, 287, 288.
Clymer, George (of Pa.), 63, 77.
Coastwise slave-trade, 98, 106-09, 156, 161, 183, 191, 302.
Cobb, Howell, Sec. of the Treasury, 177.
Coles (of Va.), Congressman, 81.
Colombia, U.S. of, 142, 270.
Colonies, legislation of, see under individual Colonies,
and Appendix A;
slave-trade in, 11, 13, 22, 25, 34-36,
46-47, 53-56;
status of slavery in, 13-14, 23, 24, 33-34,
44, 199, 200.
Colonization Society, 126, 156 n., 158, 196.
“Comet,” case of the slaver, 143, 309.
Commercial conventions, Southern, 169-73.
Company of Merchants Trading to Africa, 11.
Compromises in Constitution, 62-66, 196-98.
Compton, Samuel, 152.
Confederate States of America, 187-90, 299, 300.
Confederation, the, 56-57, 228.
Congress of the United States, 77-111,
112, 121-26, 128, 131, 156-58,
174, 190-92, 239, 247-66, 268, 271-75,
278-81, 284-94, 295-97, 298-99,
301-02, 304-05.
Congress of Verona, 139.
Congress of Vienna, 135, 137.
Connecticut, restrictions in, 43-44, 57;
elections in, 178;
Colonial and State legislation, 199, 200,
223, 225, 236, 240.