“Whereas, there was an act made and passed by the General Assembly, at their session, held at Newport, the 27th day of February, 1711 [O.S., N.S. = 1712], entitled ’An Act for laying a duty on negro slaves that shall be imported into this colony,’ and this Assembly being directed by His Majesty’s instructions to repeal the same;—
“Therefore, be it enacted by the General Assembly ... that the said act ... be, and it is hereby repealed, made null and void, and of none effect for the future.” If this is the act mentioned under Act of 1708, the title is wrongly cited; if not, the act is lost. Colonial Records, IV. 471.
1732, May. Virginia: Five per cent Duty Act.
“An Act for laying a Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyers.” For four years; continued and slightly amended by Acts of 1734, 1736, 1738, 1742, and 1745; revived February, 1752, and continued by Acts of November, 1753, February, 1759, November, 1766, and 1769; revived (or continued?) by Act of February, 1772, until 1778. Hening, Statutes, IV. 317, 394, 469; V. 28, 160, 318; VI. 217, 353; VII. 281; VIII. 190, 336, 530.
1734, November. New York: Duty Act.
“An act to lay a duty on Negroes & a tax on the Slaves therein mentioned during the time and for the uses within mentioned.” The tax was 1_s._ yearly per slave. Doc. rel. Col. Hist. New York, VI. 38.
1734, Nov. 28. New York: L2 and L4 (?) Duty Act.
“An Act to lay a Duty on the Goods, and a Tax on the Slaves therein mentioned, during the Time, and for the Uses mentioned in the same.” Possibly there were two acts this year. Laws of New York, 1691-1773, p. 186; Doc. rel. Col. Hist. New York, VI. 27.
1735. Georgia: Prohibitive Act.
An “act for rendering the colony of Georgia more defensible by prohibiting the importation and use of black slaves or negroes into the same.” W.B. Stevens, History of Georgia, I. 311; [B. Martyn], Account of the Progress of Georgia (1741), pp. 9-10; Prince Hoare, Memoirs of Granville Sharp (London, 1820), p. 157.
1740, April 5. South Carolina: L100 Prohibitive Duty Act.
“An Act for the better strengthening of this Province, by granting to His Majesty certain taxes and impositions on the purchasers of Negroes imported,” etc. The duty on slaves from America was L150. Continued to 1744. Cooper, Statutes, III. 556. Cf. Abstract Evidence on Slave-Trade before Committee of House of Commons, 1790-91 (London, 1791), p. 150.
1740, May. Virginia: Additional Five per cent Duty Act.
“An Act, for laying an additional Duty upon Slaves, to be paid by the Buyer, for encouraging persons to enlist in his Majesty’s service: And for preventing desertion.” To continue until July 1, 1744. Hening, Statutes, V. 92.
1751, June 14. South Carolina: White Servants Encouraged.