1714, Feb. 18. South Carolina: Duty on American Slaves.
“An Act for laying an additional duty on all Negro Slaves imported into this Province from any part of America.” Title quoted in Act of 1719, Sec.30, q.v.
1714, Dec. 18. South Carolina: Prohibitive Duty.
“An additional Act to an Act entitled ’An Act for the better Ordering and Governing Negroes and all other Slaves.’”
Sec.9 “And whereas, the number of negroes do extremely increase in this Province, and through the afflicting providence of God, the white persons do not proportionally multiply, by reason whereof, the safety of the said Province is greatly endangered; for the prevention of which for the future,
“Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all negro slaves from twelve years old and upwards, imported into this part of this Province from any part of Africa, shall pay such additional duties as is hereafter named, that is to say:—that every merchant or other person whatsoever, who shall, six months after the ratification of this Act, import any negro slaves as aforesaid, shall, for every such slave, pay unto the public receiver for the time being, (within thirty days after such importation,) the sum of two pounds current money of this Province.” Cooper, Statutes, VII. 365.
1715, Feb. 18. South Carolina: Duty on American Negroes.
“An additional Act to an act entitled an act for raising the sum of L2000, of and from the estates real and personal of the inhabitants of this Province, ratified in open Assembly the 18th day of December, 1714; and for laying an additional duty on all Negroe slaves imported into this Province from any part of America.” Title only given. Grimke, Public Laws, p. xvi, No. 362.
1715, May 28. Pennsylvania: L5 Duty Act.