A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 552 pages of information about A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.].

A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 552 pages of information about A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.].

T’ai Tsung, T’ang ruler 174, 178
  (see Li Shih-min)

Taiwan (T’ai-wan, see Formosa), 323 ff, 334

T’an-yao, priest, 146

Tanaka, Japanese militarist, 295

T’ang, dynasty, 83-4, 144, 147, 172 ff.;
  Later T’ang dynasty, 204 ff.

T’ang Hsien-tsu, writer, 255

T’ang Yin, painter, 255

Tanguts, Tibetan tribal federation and/or state, 99, 102, 118, 224-5,
  (see Ch’iang)

Tao, philosophical term, 42, 46, 47

Tao-kuang, reign period, 285 ff., 288

Tao-te-ching, book, 46

T’ao-t’ieh, mythical emblem, 22

Tao-yen, monk, 264

Taoism, religion, 101-2, 133, 136, 150, 183, 188, 236, 266; Taoists, 46,
  61, 104, 241, 263-4
  (see Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Chang Ling, etc.)

Tarim basin, 89, 179

Tatars (Ta-tan) Mongolian tribal federation, 190, 230, 233

Taxation, 33, 55, 65, 78, 143, 154, 173, 175, 178, 210, 211, 212, 213,
  247, 252;
  Tax collectors, 55, 74, 116;
  Tax evasion, 214, 226, 246;
  Tax exemptions, 188, 213, 236;
  Taxes for monks, 208;
  Tax reform, 187

Te Tsung, Manchu ruler, 295, 299

Tea, 276; Tea trade, 200; Tea house
  (see Brothel), 182

Teachers, 74
  (see Schools)

Technology, 219

Tell, archaeological term, 16

Temples, 101, 183
  (see Monasteries)

Tengri khan, ruler, 186

Textile industry, 198
  (see Silk, Cotton)

Thailand, state, 12, 248, 265
  (see Tai tribes)

Theatre, 182-3, 242
  (see Shadow, Puppet, Opera)

Throne, accession to, 150
  (see Abdication, Legitimacy)

Ti, Tibetan tribes, 21, 118

Tibet, 12, 15, 19, 29, 30, 35, 102, 110, 116, 118-19, 120, 121, 126,
  127, 130, 131, 132, 135, 139, 145, 169, 174, 177, 179, 181, 186, 187,
  200, 224-5, 242, 273, 278, 283, 284, 293, 310, 329
  (see Ch’iang, Ti, T’u-fan, T’u-yue-hun, Lhasa Tanguts)

T’ien, deity, 32

Tientsin (T’ien-chin), city, 287, 290, 299

Timur, ruler, 258

Tin, 17

Ting-ling, tribal federation, 89, 102

  (see Toba)

T’o-t’o, writer, 241-2

Toba, Turkish tribal federation, 76, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 123, 126,
  127, 132, 136 ff., 159, 160, 161, 168, 169, 172, 173, 174, 177, 214,
  222, 224

Tocharians, Central Asian ethnic group, 150

Tokto (see T’o-t’o)

Toeloes, Turkish tribal group, 169, 178, 185

Tombs, 19, 34

Tonking, state, 10, 54, 295, 330

Tortoise, 22, 47-8

Totalitarianism, 80
  (see Dictatorship, Fascism, Communism)

Tou Ku, general, 99

Project Gutenberg
A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.