A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 552 pages of information about A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.].

A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 552 pages of information about A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.].

pi-chi, literary form, 220

pieh-yeh (see Manor), 154

Pien-liang, city (see K’ai-feng), 230

pien-wen, literary form, 253

Pig, 54, 199

Pilgrims, 245

P’ing-ch’eng, city, 122

Pirates, 245, 263

Plantation economy, 154

Plough, 54

Po Chue-i, poet, 182, 220

Po-hai, state, 171, 222, 229

Poetry, 48, 163, 175, 182 ff., 227, 241, 255;
  Court Poetry, 105;
  Northern Poetry, 133

Poets, 219 ff.
  (see T’ao Ch’ien, Po Chue-i, Li T’ai-po, Tu Fu, etc.)

Politicians, migratory, 52

Pontic migration, 16

Population changes, 21, 55, 62, 78, 108, 236, 238, 273-4;
  Population decrease, 107
  (see Census, Fertility)

Porcelain, 20, 183, 201, 221, 251, 256, 281

Port Arthur, city, 296

Portsmouth, treaty, 296

Portuguese 262, 263
  (see Fu-lan-chi, Macao)

Potter, 32;
  Pottery, 14, 15 ff., 20;
  black pottery, 16
  (see Porcelain)

Price controls, 212

Priests, 24, 34
  (see Shamans, Ju, Monks)

Primogeniture, 54

Princes, 115, 120, 123

Printing, 201-2
  (see Colour, Book)

Privileges of gentry, 173

Proletariate, 305, 320
  (see Labour)

Propaganda, 93

Property relations, 31, 54, 196
  (see Laws, Inheritance, Primogeniture)

Protectorate, 82

Provinces, administration, 85

pu-ch’ue, bondsmen, 143, 174

Pu-ku Huai-en, general, 185, 186

P’u Sung-lin, writer, 280

P’u Yi, Manchu ruler, 300, 312

Puppet plays, 255

Railways, 301, 324; Manchurian Railway, 296

Rebellions, 95-6, 156, 158, 184 ff., 189 ff., 238 ff., 261 ff., 267 ff.,
  284, 289 ff., 291 ff., 299, 301
  (see Peasants, Secret Societies, Revolutions)

Red Eyebrows, peasant movement, 95 ff.

Red Guards, 333

Reforms, 298, 299;
  Reform of language, 307-9
  (see Land reform)

Regents, 89

Religion, 8, 22-4, 37, 42, 44, 48, 135-6;
  popular religion, 101
  (see Bon, Shintoism, Persecution, Sacrifice, Ancestor cult,
  Fertility cults, Deities, Temples, Monasteries, Christianity,
  Islam, Buddhism, Mazdaism, Manichaeism, Messianic religions,
  Secret societies, Soul, Shamanism, State religion)

Republic, 303 ff.

Revolutions, 244;
  legitimization of revolution, 57
  (see Rebellions)

Ricci, Matteo, missionary, 266

Rice, 12, 155, 219, 235, 249

Rifles, 263

Ritualism, 34, 42

Roads, 30, 56, 65

Project Gutenberg
A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.