Food habits, 54-5, 155
Foreign relations, 84
(see Diplomacy, Treaty, Tribute,
Forests, 26
Formosa (T’aiwan), 152, 267, 276, 277, 295, 296, 323 ff.
France, 287, 295, 296, 313, 317
Frontier, concept of, 38
Frugality, 58
Fu Chien, ruler, 126 ff., 130, 131, 136, 139, 157-8
Fu-lan-chi (Franks), 263
Fu-lin, Manchu ruler, 269
Fu-yue, country, 141
Fukien, province, 167, 228, 237, 248, 249, 250, 251, 276
Galdan, leader, 277
Gandhara, country, 146
Gardens, 154
Geisha (see Courtesans), 217
Genealogy, 52, 167, 196
Genghiz Khan, ruler, 225, 230, 241
Gentry (Upper class), 44, 78, 80, 101, 108, 133, 138,
143, 144, 166,
173, 174, 196, 197, 203, 209, 210, 214,
236, 239, 252 ff., 257, 268,
272, 297, 303-4, 307;
colonial gentry, 163;
definition of gentry, 72;
gentry state, 71 ff.,
southern gentry, 153
Germany, 296, 311, 312, 317
Goek Turks, 149 ff.
Governors, role of, 184 ff.
(see Millet, Rice, Wheat)
Granaries, 216, 290
Great Britain, 285, 293, 294, 295, 310
(see England)
Great Leap Forward, 331
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, 333
Great Wall, 57
Greeks, 59, 60
Guilds, 58, 197
Hakka, ethnic group, 228, 289, 323
Hami, city state, 245
Han, dynasty, 71 ff., 122;
Later Han dynasty, 206
Han Fei Tzu, philosopher, 59
Han T’o-wei, politician, 226-7
Han Yue, philosopher, 182, 217, 218
Hankow (Han-k’ou), city, 38, 156, 162, 251, 290, 314
Hangchow (Hang-chou), city, 38, 225, 228
Heaven, 42, 81
(see Shang Ti, T’ien)
Hermits, 46 ff.
(see Monks, Sages)
Hinayana, religion, 135
Historians, 2
Histories, dynastic, 2, 242;
of histories, 43, 52, 93;
Historiography, 43, 103-4
Hitler, Adolf, dictator, 317, 319
Hittites, ethnic group, 25
Ho Ch’eng-t’ien, scholar, 255
Ho-lien P’o-p’o, ruler, 139, 140, 159, 225
Ho Ti, Han ruler, 99
hong, association, 286
Hong Kong, colony, 286, 319, 325
Hopei, province, 296
Horse, 11, 90, 186, 223, 237;
horse chariot, 25;
horse riding, 53;
horse trade, 63
Hospitals, 216
Hou Ching, ruler, 161-2
Houses, 19, 33
(see Adobe)
Hsi-hsia, kingdom, 214, 221, 223, 224 ff., 231
Hsi-k’ang, Tibet, 310
Hsia, dynasty, 17-18, 21, 25;
Hunnic Hsia dynasty, 139
(see Hsi-hsia)