A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 552 pages of information about A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.].

A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 552 pages of information about A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.].

Dog, 54

Dorgon, prince, 269

Double standard, legal, 80

Drama, 242, 255, 280

Dress, changes, 53

Dungan, tribes, 292

Dynastic histories
  (see History), 2

Dzungars, people, 277

Eclipses, 43

Economy, 53 ff., 94 ff., 100, 109, 112-13, 142 ff.;
  Money economy, 198;
  Natural economy, 107-8, 116
  (see Agriculture, Nomadism, Industry, Denshiring, Money, Trade,

Education, 73, 103, 201, 306, 326, 327
  (see Schools, Universities, Academies, Script, Examination
  system, etc.)

Elements, the five, 60

Elephants, 26

Elite, 73, 74, 196, 218
  (see Intellectuals, Students, Gentry)

Elixir, 187 (see Alchemy)

Emperor, position of, 81, 92, 210, 304;
  Emperor and church, 218
  (see Despotism, King, Absolutism, Monarchy, etc.)

Empress (see Lue, Wu, Wei, Tzu Hsi)

Encyclopaedias, 219, 264, 279

England, 265, 283, 285 (see Great Britain)

Ephtalites, tribe, 150

Epics, 133

Equalization Office, 91, 94 (see chuen-t’ien)

Erotic literature, 254

Estates (chuang,) 154, 175, 181, 212, 236

Ethics, 45
  (see Confucianism)

Eunuchs, 91, 100, 191, 253, 259-60, 261, 267, 272

Europe, 143, 212; Europeans, 209, 233, 237, 246, 263, 272, 297, 299

Examination system, 74, 78, 85-6, 91, 175, 197, 216, 252-3, 259, 280;
  Examinations for Buddhists, 207

Fables, 259

Factories, 250, 251

Fallow system, 54, 249

Falsifications, 93
  (see Confucianism)

Family structure, 24, 29, 31, 42, 54, 138-9, 196, 332;
  Family ethics, 58;
  Family planning, 331

Fan Chung-yen, politician, 212, 213

Fascism, 264

Federations, tribal, 117

Felt, 33

Feng Kuo-chang, politician, 312

Feng Meng-lung, writer, 254, 255

Feng Tao, politician, 201

Feng Yue-hsiang, war lord, 312, 315

Ferghana, city, 88

Fertility cults, 23;
  differential fertility, 73

Fertilizer, 54

Feudalism, 24, 29, 30 ff., 37, 38, 40, 42, 44, 45, 85;
  end of feudalism, 51, 59, 62-3;
  late feudalism, 71-2, 77 ff.;
  new feudalism, 81;
  nomadic feudalism, 76, 131
  (see Serfs, Aristocracy, Fiefs, Bondsmen, etc.)

Fiefs, 30, 54, 78, 82

Finances, 209
  (see Budget, Inflation, Money, Coins)

  (see Rifles, Cannons)

Fishing, 94

Folk-tales, 254, 258

Project Gutenberg
A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.