A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 552 pages of information about A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.].

A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 552 pages of information about A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.].

chuen-tzue (gentleman), 42, 44

Chung-ch’ang T’ung, philosopher, 50

Chungking (Ch’ung-ch’ing), city, 38, 110, 318

Church, Buddhistic, 146, 147, 188, 218;
  Taoistic, 136, 147
  (see Chang Ling)

Cities, 36, 37;
  spread and growth of cities, 31, 55-6, 175, 229, 250-1, 252;
  origin of cities, 19;
  twin cities, 33
  (see City states, Ch’ang-an, Sian, Lo-yang, Hankow, etc.)

City States (of Central Asia), 97, 132, 177

Clans, 31, 196

Classes, social classes, 79, 143-4, 207, 216
  (see Castes, ch’ien-min, liang-min, Gentry, etc.)

Climate, changes, 9

Cliques, 91, 160, 197, 257, 261

Cloisonne, 256

Cobalt, 221, 256

Coins, 78, 94, 116, 199, 209
  (see Money)

Colonialism, 278, 283, 329
  (see Imperialism)

Colonization, 97, 102, 111, 116, 153, 209, 248 ff.
  (see Migration, Assimilation)

Colour prints, 256

Communes, 331

Communism, 314, 320 ff.
  (see Marxism, Socialism, Soviets)

Concubines, 100, 227

Confessions, 102

Confucian ritual, 78-9;
  Confucianism, 93, 136, 145, 150, 163-4, 168, 175, 183-4, 188, 306;
  Confucian literature, 78;
  false Confucian literature, 93-4;
  Confucians, 40 ff., 134
  (see Neo-Confucianism)

Conquests, 122, 270
  (see War, Colonialism)

Conservatism, 219

Constitution, 311

Contending States, 40 ff.

Co-operatives, 319

Copper, 17, 211
  (see Bronze, Metal)

Corruption, 51, 200

Corvee (forced labour), 82, 173, 187, 196, 238
  (see Labour)

Cotton, 250

Courtesans, 182
  (see Brothel)

Coxinga, rebel, 267, 271

Craftsmen, 26, 105, 183, 197, 216, 247-8
  (see Artisans)

Credits, 215

Criminals, 146, 218, 248

Crop rotation, 249

Dalai Lama, religious ruler of Tibet, 278, 310

Dance, 105

Deflation, 215

Deities, 23
  (see Tien, Shang Ti, Maitreya, Amithabha, etc.)

Delft, city, 256

Demands, the twenty-one, 311, 313

Democracy, 305, 301

Denshiring, 12

Despotism, 81, 196
  (see Absolutism)

Dewey, J., educator, 307

Dialects, 64-5
  (see Language)

Dialecticians, 59

Dictators, 38, 47
  (see Despotism)

Dictionaries, 65

Diploma, for monks, 208

Diplomacy, 223, 226

Disarmament, 115, 120

Discriminatory laws, 189, 233 ff., 270
  (see Double Standard)

Project Gutenberg
A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.