A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 552 pages of information about A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.].

A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 552 pages of information about A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.].

p. 31:  The interpretation of land-holding and clans follows my own research which is influenced by Niida Noboru, Kato Shigeru and other Japanese scholars, as well as by G. Haloun.—­Concerning the origin of family names see preliminarily Yang Hsi-mei; much further research is still necessary.  The general development of Chinese names is now studied by Wolfgang Bauer.—­The spread of cities in this period has been studied by Li Chi, The Formation of the Chinese People, Cambridge 1928.  My interpretation relies mainly upon a study of the distribution of non-Chinese tribes and data on early cities coming from excavation reports (see my “Data on the Structure of the Chinese City” in Economic Development and Cultural Change, 1956, pp. 253-68, and “The Formation of Chinese Civilization” in Sociologus 7, 1959, pp. 97-112).

p. 32:  The work on slaves by T. Pippon, E. Erkes, M. Wilbur, Wan Kuo-ting, Kuo Mo-jo, Niida Noboru, Kao Nien-chih and others has been consulted; the interpretation by E. G. Pulleyblank, however, was not accepted.

p. 33:  This interpretation of the “well-field” system relies in part upon the work done by Hsue Ti-shan, in part upon M. Granet and H. Maspero, and attempts to utilize insight from general anthropological theory and field-work mainly in South-East Asia.  Other interpretations have been proposed by Yang Lien-sheng, Wan Kuo-ting, Ch’i Szu-ho P. Demieville, Hu Shih, Chi Ch’ao-ting, K. A. Wittfogel, and others.  Some authors, such as Kuo Mo-jo, regard the whole system as an utopia, but believe in an original “village community".—­The characterization of the Chou-li relies in part upon the work done by Hsue Chung-shu and Ku Chieh-kang on the titles of nobility, research by Yang K’uan and textual criticism by B. Karlgren, O. Franke, and again Ku Chieh-kang and his school.—­The discussion on twin cities is intended to draw attention to its West Asian parallels, the “acropolis” or “ark” city, as well as to the theories on the difference between Western and Asian cities (M.  Weber) and the specific type of cities in “dual societies” (H.  Boeke).

p. 34:  This is a modified form of the Hu Shih theory.—­The problem of nomadic agrarian inter-action and conflict has been studied for a later period mainly by O. Lattimore.  Here, general anthropological research as well as my own have been applied.

p. 36:  The supra-stratification theory as developed by R. Thurnwald has been used as analytic tool here.

p. 38:  For this period, a novel interpretation is presented by R. L. Walker, The Multi-State System of China, Hamden 1953.  For the concepts of sovereignty, I have used here the Chou-li text and interpretations based upon this text.

p. 40:  For the introduction of iron and the importance of Ch’i, see Chu Hsi-tsu, Kuo Mo-jo, Yang K’uan, Sekino, Takeshi.—­Some scholars (G.  Haloun) tend to interpret attacks such as the one of 660 B. C. as attacks from outside the borders of China.

Project Gutenberg
A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.] from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.