Dr Rabagliati and Professor Atwater are, I believe, both right, but the former does not always explain himself clearly to the lay mind. The life-force or animal magnetism is the real source of bodily energy, and it manifests itself only when it has something that resists or regulates its flow.
It does this just as certain forms of wire,
or other materials, which
possess indifferent conducting power, resist
the flow of electricity
through them.
Electricity cannot manifest as light in the usual electric lights used in our houses, as heat in the electric culinary appliances or stoves, or even as power in the motors which run our trams and trains, unless it be given the requisite apparatus to bring about the manifestation required.
In exactly the same way life cannot manifest
itself as consciousness,
with its flow of thoughts, emotions and bodily
activities, without the
food which is daily supplied to the body.
It consequently depends considerably upon how
we select our daily
rations as to how this vital force will manifest
within us.
A Sun Bath needs no Soap.
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Man was made for the Weather, not the Weather for man.
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A long drink often makes a short walk.
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You may bring a man to the Sea, but you cannot make him think.
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A tanned face doesn’t make a healthy body.
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Dew paddling should be done in the dark.
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The only things that bathing machines make are cowards.