[Illustration: WASHING AND FILLING.]
When suffering from a cold the cathartic waters should
be avoided.
Those affected with lung complaints should not drink
these waters.
As an ALTERATIVE, the waters should be drank in small quantities at various intervals during the day. As their alterative effect is from the absorption of the water, the quantity taken should be small.
The chalybeate or TONIC waters are liable to cause headache when taken before breakfast. They may be used with benefit before or after dinner and tea. Only from a half to one glass should be taken at a time.
The DIURETIC waters should be drank before meals, and at night, and should not be followed by warm drinks. Walking and other exercise increase the diuretic effect.
Attention to system should characterize the use of these as of other remedies.
It is impossible to give complete and invariable directions for drinking any of the waters.
The experience and necessities of each individual can alone determine many things in regard to their use.
It is advisable to consult some experienced resident physician.
A moderate use of the waters will be found most beneficial.
The enormous quantities of water which some persons imbibe at the popular springs is perfectly shocking, and can only be injurious. It is no uncommon occurrence to see persons drink from five to ten glasses of Congress or Hathorn water with scarcely any interval, and the writer has heard of a lady who swallowed within a few minutes fourteen glasses of one of the springs. It is to be presumed that her thirst was satisfied, as no further account of her has been given.
Those who are taking a course of mineral water will usually find their appetite increased thereby.
An abundance of vegetables should be avoided, and only those which are perfectly fresh should be used.
Frequent bathing in mineral water and otherwise will be found beneficial.
Raising the temperature of the spring water, by placing a bottle of it in boiling water, makes it more efficacious as a cathartic, and is said to remove the iron. Heating the water makes it better for bathing purposes.
[B] This article is copy righted. Parties who wish to copy the entire article, or a portion of it, will please give credit.
The Saratoga Waters at a Distance from the Springs.
If the Saratoga waters are really what they have the reputation of being—and certainly no one who has witnessed their effects can deny their wonderful power—the purity of the water which is supplied to invalids, at a distance from the springs, becomes a matter of the utmost consequence.
“The fashionable and the rich,” writes an eminent divine, “who fill these splendid saloons, are not alone the people for whom the beneficent Creator opened these health-giving fountains; but they are also those who occupy the sick chambers in all parts of the earth, who have never seen Saratoga, but who are relieved and comforted by its waters.”