At present the spring itself is protected by a temporary structure, while the water is bottled in a portion of the original building which was not destroyed by fire. The spring is at some little distance from the business part of Saratoga, and, since the bottling-house was destroyed no special efforts have been made to attract a crowd of visitors, though many who know the virtues of the water take the pains and trouble to go out of their way to obtain it, fresh from the spring in all its purity, as it is held in the highest estimation by all who have used it. We believe it is the intention of the present management to rebuild the houses and ornament the surroundings either this summer or next.
Of the original company, Jay Gould was President, and John F. Henry, Secretary. The officers of the present company are, John F. Henry, President; B.S. Barrett, Secretary, and Edwin F. Stevens, Treasurer. Mr. Henry is well known as the leading druggist in America and the largest dealer in proprietary medicines in the world.
The water possesses a very agreeable taste and flavor, resembling in many respects the favorite Congress. Its principal action is alterative and cathartic.
“Saratoga Seltzer Spring Co.,” proprietors. Perhaps no one of the springs gratifies the curious more than the Seltzer.
It is situated about 150 feet from the High Rock Spring, but, although in such close proximity thereto, its water is entirely different, thus illustrating the wonderful extent and capacity of nature’s subterranean laboratory.
The owners of the Seltzer Spring have an ingenious contrivance for exhibiting the flow of the water and its gas. It consists of a glass tube, three feet in height and fifteen inches in diameter, nicely adjusted to the mouth of the spring, through which the sweet, clear, sparkling water gushes in a steady volume, while, faster than the water, bubble up the glittering globules of pure carbonic acid gas.
The spring was discovered several years ago, but only recently was it tubed so as to be available. The tube extends down thirty-four feet to the surface of the foundation rock. The crevice in the rock through which the water issues is about twelve inches by five. The column of water above the rock is thirty-seven feet high. The flow of gas is abundant and constant, but every few minutes, as the watchful visitor will observe, there is a momentary ebullition of an extraordinary quantity which causes the water in the tube to boil over the rim. When the sunshine falls upon the fountain it presents a beautiful appearance.
This is a genuine Seltzer spring. The character of the water is almost identical with that of the celebrated Nassau Spring of Germany, which is justly esteemed so delicious by the natives of the “Fatherland.” Our German citizens, with their usual sagacity, have discovered this fact, and the consumption of the water by them is daily on the increase.