There is a liveliness and pungency to this water which makes it a pleasant beverage. An abundance of gas, so much desired in a mineral spring, is so intimately associated with the water, and is so well “fixed” as to hold the medicinal constituents in a clear and permanent solution. The property of the water is cathartic, affecting more or less, however, all the secretions. It is of special service in dyspepsia, biliousness, rheumatism, etc. A half a glass to a glass, drank after hearty meals, will relieve at once the distress from which so many suffer. Medical men recommend the water also for kidney disease.
While stronger than the milder waters which require so large potions to be effective, it is not characterized by the harshness and irritating power of some of the more recently discovered springs. It seems to us a sort of golden mean between the two extremes.
The water bottles nicely, and is sent to every part of the Union. It is also sold on draught. Persons becoming attached to it while at Saratoga, can thus easily obtain it at any time in a manner only equaled by that dipped from the spring. The sale of this, as well as of nearly all mineral waters, is conducted almost exclusively by druggists.
The business address of the proprietors is “Pavilion & U.S. Spring Company, 113 Chambers street, N.Y.,” to whom orders should be addressed.
On Phila street, near Broadway. Used chiefly for bathing purposes. It is a tonic or chalybeate, and, as this goes to press, is being retubed. The proprietor, Mr. Lewis Putnam, is the oldest native resident of Saratoga.
This spring is located on Spring avenue, a short distance beyond the Empire, at the junction of Geneva and Warren streets. Red Spring Co., proprietors.
[Illustration: RED SPRING.]
It was discovered soon after the Revolutionary war, by a Mr. Norton, who had been driven from the place from fear of hostile Indians during the war, and who returned about the year 1784 to re-occupy and improve some buildings erected by him for the accommodation of a few invalids who came to visit the High Rock, Flat Rock, President and Red Springs. No other springs were known at that time, or for many years after. Nearly a hundred years ago the first bath-house ever built at Saratoga was erected at the Red Spring, and was used for the cure of all kinds of eruptive and skin diseases for many years. Through the neglect of the owners, this spring, with others near, was allowed to fall into an impure condition; the tubes rotted out, and for a number of years the water of the Red Spring was only used for washing sore eyes, bad ulcers, and the cure of salt rheum, etc. The springs of Ballston, and the valuable qualities of Congress water, drew public attention away from these springs, and it was only a few years since that the present owners of the spring retubed and secured this valuable water for public use. The reputation it had long sustained as a powerful alterative for the cure of blood diseases was confirmed; and for several years this water has been used with growing confidence and wonderful results.