“Sparkling, rippling, and dancing
Freighted with health and brilliant with
Soothing the ear and entrancing the sight.”
May be found in a little valley east of the railroad and directly opposite the Geyser Spring, about a mile south of the village. Button & Gibbs, proprietors.
[Illustration: GLACIER SPRING]
It was discovered in Sept. 1871, and is the most remarkable fountain in the world. It discharges from four to eight gallons per minute, spouting through a quarter inch nozzle to a height of fifty-two feet, or through a half inch nozzle forty feet, pouring forth a perfect suds of water and gas.
In the spring of 1870, Mr. Jesse Button, having been employed to sink the Geyser well, was so successful that he was induced to bore for another spring on land owned by D. Gibbs, Esq., in this locality. Mineral water was found at no great depth, but in no considerable quantity. The well was sunk 220 feet in the slate rock, reaching the magnesian limestone. At this point the mineral water could be made to spout for a few moments, occasionally, by agitating it with a sand-pump. The stream, however, was quite small, and as Mr. Button was called elsewhere, the project was temporarily abandoned. In Sept., 1871, boring was resumed. The diameter of the well which had been sank was four and three-fourths inches. It was made an inch larger, tapering toward the bottom, and the well was continued through the magnesian limestone to the Trenton limestone, making a total depth of 300 feet. Having reached this point the water spouted forth with great force. The well was at once carefully tubed.
The water is very concentrated, and small doses are all that is required. It will bear dilution with fresh water much better then milk. It seems to have not only strong cathartic properties, but a special action upon the kidneys and liver. For medicinal purposes it promises to equal any in Saratoga.
As an object of curiosity and interest, the Glacier Spring is unequaled in Saratoga, and it will doubtless speedily become a popular resort.
On Spring street, corner of Putnam, in the rear of Congress Hall, and a short distance from Hathorn Spring. Its principal action is diuretic and, in large doses, cathartic. The mineral ingredients are the same as those of the other springs, but, owing to the peculiar combination, the medicinal effects are widely different. It has been found of great service in kidney complaints. From one to three glasses during the day is the usual dose. It should be used under the prescription of a physician, and warm drinks should not be taken immediately after. Persons suffering from “a cold” should not drink this water. It is not bottled.