Is under the southern extremity of the new hotel. The proprietors have named it the Crystal Spring from the crystalline appearance of the water, which does not rise to the surface, but is pumped up from a depth of several feet. It was discovered in 1870 by experimental excavation. The characteristic, and to many disagreeable odor of sulphuretted hydrogen, is readily perceived. Sulphur veins, or iron pyrites, are found in all sections of this valley; one of the most provoking problems of the owners of the springs being to keep their fountains from a sulphur taint, the quantity and quality of which is not considered beneficial, while it injures the sale of the bottled water.
The Crystal Spring is somewhat alterative in its therapeutic effects.
Is near the railroad, between the Glacier and Geyser Springs. It has been known for a long time. The water flows through the slate rock, and, unlike any other spring at Saratoga, issues in a horizontal direction from the side of the hill. It is a very fine chalybeate, but is not bottled.
Situated on Spring avenue, at the head of Circular street, and near the base of a high limestone bluff, in the northerly part of the village, a few rods above the Star Spring, and about three-fourths of a mile from the Congress. Owned by the Congress and Empire Spring Company. O.H. Cromwell, Superintendent.
Mineral water was known to trickle down the bank at this point ever since the land was cleared of its primitive shrubs. It was not till the year 1846 that the fountain was taken in charge. The tubing is eleven feet, and fits closely to the rock. Messrs. Weston and Co., the early proprietors, made extensive improvements in the grounds surrounding, planting shade trees, etc., and during the past year the opening of Spring avenue has rendered the place more attractive.
The water of this spring has a general resemblance to that of the Congress. In the cathartic effects of the two waters the difference is scarcely appreciable, although from the presence of a larger quantity of magnesia in the Congress, its operation is perhaps somewhat more pungent. The Empire is highly esteemed for the treatment of obscure and chronic diseases requiring alterative and diuretic remedies. It is also recommended as a preventive or remedy for the diseases natural to warm climates, especially intermittent, gastric and bilious fevers, dysenteries and disorders of the liver. The directions for using are the same as for the Congress.
Is situated on Lake avenue, and on Spring avenue, about a mile east of Broadway, and a few rods beyond the Excelsior Spring. Eureka Spring Company, proprietors. A.R. Dyett, Esq., President.