Artificial Light eBook

Matthew Luckiesh
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 330 pages of information about Artificial Light.

Artificial Light eBook

Matthew Luckiesh
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 330 pages of information about Artificial Light.

“First Men in the Moon, The,” H. G. Wells, cited, 148

Fish:  artificial light as bait for, 249

Flame-arcs, 120, 121, 122, 187

Flames:  86, 88, 89;
  open, 233, 234 et seq.

Flint, 33

Fool’s gold, 18

Fort Wagner, 185

France:  lamps in, 55;
  early gas-light in, 72

Franchot, invention of moderator lamps by, 55

Frankland, 77

Franklin, Benjamin:  165;
  quoted, 210-212; 213

Fresnel, 167, 196

Friction, 16, 17

Gas:  13, 22;
  discovery of coal, 32, 33;
  early uses of, as light-source, 63 et seq.;
  installment of, pipes in England, 63, 64;
  Shirley’s report on Natural, 66, 67;
  first public display of, lighting, 69;
  cost of, lighting, 71;
  first attempt at industrial, lighting, 72;
  first English, company, 74;
  first, explosion, 75;
  house, lighting, 76, 77; 80, 82;
  spectrum of, 90;
  modern, lighting industry, 97 et seq.;
  origin of lighting by, 98;
  first, works in America, 98;
  growth of, consumption in United States, 99;
  electrical ignition applied to, lighting, 102;
  pressure, 102, 103;
  water, 105;
  carbons in, 106;
  production of Pintsch, 109, 110;
  salts applied to, flames, 120; 157;
  Census Bureau figures on cost of, plants, 221, 222; 224, 341

Gas-burners:  63, 64, 77;
  candle-power of pioneer (table), 79;
  improvements in, 84

Gas-mantle:  61, 81;
  influence of, 99;
  characteristics of, 100 et seq.; 187

Gas-meter, Clegg’s, 76

Gasolene:  lamps, 55; 57

Gassiot, 114

Gauss, 196

Geissler, 146

General Electric Company, 132, 135, 136

Germany:  development of lamps in, 56;
  early gas-lighting in, 72

Glass, 195, 290 et seq.

Glowers, 139

Glow-worms, 24

Glycerides, 52

Gold, 293

Gout, 275

Gramme dynamo, 117

Grass:  18;
  carbon filaments, 129

Greece:  39;
  sacred lamps in ancient, 41; 42

Greenhouses, carbon-filament lamps in, 250 et seq.

Hall of Fame, 134

Happiness, effect of artificial light upon, 14
Hayden and Steinmetz, 253

Health, artificial light in relation to, 269-283

Helium, 89

Hemig, 155

Hemp, 21

Henry, William, 75

Herodotus, 56

Hertz, 68

Hertzian waves, 271

Hewitt, Cooper, produces mercury-arcs, 124, 125

Home:  artificial light in relation to, 6;
  lighting, 325 et seq.

Hindu:  light in, ceremonials, 40

Hudson-Fulton Celebration, 306

Huygens, 195

Project Gutenberg
Artificial Light from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.