“First Men in the Moon, The,” H. G. Wells, cited, 148
Fish: artificial light as bait for, 249
Flame-arcs, 120, 121, 122, 187
Flames: 86, 88, 89;
open, 233, 234 et seq.
Flint, 33
Fool’s gold, 18
Fort Wagner, 185
France: lamps in, 55;
early gas-light in, 72
Franchot, invention of moderator lamps by, 55
Frankland, 77
Franklin, Benjamin: 165;
quoted, 210-212; 213
Fresnel, 167, 196
Friction, 16, 17
Gas: 13, 22;
discovery of coal, 32, 33;
early uses of, as light-source, 63 et
installment of, pipes in England, 63,
Shirley’s report on Natural, 66,
first public display of, lighting, 69;
cost of, lighting, 71;
first attempt at industrial, lighting,
first English, company, 74;
first, explosion, 75;
house, lighting, 76, 77; 80, 82;
spectrum of, 90;
modern, lighting industry, 97 et seq.;
origin of lighting by, 98;
first, works in America, 98;
growth of, consumption in United States,
electrical ignition applied to, lighting,
pressure, 102, 103;
water, 105;
carbons in, 106;
production of Pintsch, 109, 110;
salts applied to, flames, 120; 157;
Census Bureau figures on cost of, plants,
221, 222; 224, 341
Gas-burners: 63, 64, 77;
candle-power of pioneer (table), 79;
improvements in, 84
Gas-mantle: 61, 81;
influence of, 99;
characteristics of, 100 et seq.;
Gas-meter, Clegg’s, 76
Gasolene: lamps, 55; 57
Gassiot, 114
Gauss, 196
Geissler, 146
General Electric Company, 132, 135, 136
Germany: development of lamps in, 56;
early gas-lighting in, 72
Glass, 195, 290 et seq.
Glowers, 139
Glow-worms, 24
Glycerides, 52
Gold, 293
Gout, 275
Gramme dynamo, 117
Grass: 18;
carbon filaments, 129
Greece: 39;
sacred lamps in ancient, 41; 42
Greenhouses, carbon-filament lamps in, 250 et seq.
Hall of Fame, 134
Happiness, effect of artificial light upon, 14
Hayden and Steinmetz, 253
Health, artificial light in relation to, 269-283
Helium, 89
Hemig, 155
Hemp, 21
Henry, William, 75
Herodotus, 56
Hertz, 68
Hertzian waves, 271
Hewitt, Cooper, produces mercury-arcs, 124, 125
Home: artificial light in relation to, 6;
lighting, 325 et seq.
Hindu: light in, ceremonials, 40
Hudson-Fulton Celebration, 306
Huygens, 195