David Harum eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 448 pages of information about David Harum.

David Harum eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 448 pages of information about David Harum.
till Charley got big enough to help, I swan!  I don’t know.  She took in sewin’ an’ washin’, an’ went out to cook an’ nurse, an’ all that, but I reckon the’ was now an’ then times when they didn’t overload their stomechs much, nor have to open the winders to cool off.  But she held onto that prop’ty of her’n like a pup to a root.  It was putty well out when Billy P. died, but the village has growed up to it.  The’s some good lots could be cut out on’t, an’ it backs up to the river where the current’s enough to make a mighty good power fer a ’lectric light.  I know some fellers that are talkin’ of startin’ a plant here, an’ it ain’t out o’ sight that they’d pay a good price fer the river front, an’ enough land to build on.  Fact on’t is, it’s got to be a putty valu’ble piece o’ prop’ty, more ’n she cal’lates on, I reckon.”

Here Mr. Harum paused, pinching his chin with thumb and index finger, and mumbling his tobacco.  John, who had listened with more attention than interest—­wondering the while as to what the narrative was leading up to—­thought something might properly be expected of him to show that he had followed it, and said, “So Mrs. Cullom has kept this last piece clear, has she?”

“No,” said David, bringing down his right hand upon the desk with emphasis, “that’s jest what she hain’t done, an’ that’s how I come to tell ye somethin’ of the story, an’ more on’t ’n you’ve cared about hearin’, mebbe.”

“Not at all,” John protested.  “I have been very much interested.”

“You have, have you?” said Mr. Harum.  “Wa’al, I got somethin’ I want ye to do.  Day after to-morro’ ‘s Chris’mus, an’ I want ye to drop Mis’ Cullom a line, somethin’ like this, ’That Mr. Harum told ye to say that that morgidge he holds, havin’ ben past due fer some time, an’ no int’rist havin’ ben paid fer, let me see, more’n a year, he wants to close the matter up, an’ he’ll see her Chris’mus mornin’ at the bank at nine o’clock, he havin’ more time on that day; but that, as fur as he can see, the bus’nis won’t take very long’—­somethin’ like that, you understand?”

“Very well, sir,” said John, hoping that his employer would not see in his face the disgust and repugnance he felt as he surmised what a scheme was on foot, and recalled what he had heard of Harum’s hard and unscrupulous ways, though he had to admit that this, excepting perhaps the episode of the counterfeit money, was the first revelation to him personally.  But this seemed very bad to him.

“All right,” said David cheerfully, “I s’pose it won’t take you long to find out what’s in your stockin’, an’ if you hain’t nothin’ else to do Chris’mus mornin’ I’d like to have you open the office and stay ’round a spell till I git through with Mis’ Cullom.  Mebbe the’ ’ll be some papers to fill out or witniss or somethin’; an’ have that skeezicks of a boy make up the fires so’st the place’ll be warm.”

“Very good, sir,” said John, hoping that the interview was at an end.

Project Gutenberg
David Harum from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.