Our Deportment eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 348 pages of information about Our Deportment.

Our Deportment eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 348 pages of information about Our Deportment.

Some persons are troubled by the cuticle adhering to the nail as it grows.  This may be pressed down by the towel after washing; or should that not prove efficacious, it must be loosened round the edge with some blunt instrument.  On no account scrape the nails with a view to polishing their surface.  Such an operation only tends to make them wrinkled.

Absolute smallness of hand is not essential to beauty, which requires that the proper proportions should be observed in the human figure.  With proper care the hand may be retained beautiful, soft and shapely, and yet perform its fair share of labor.  The hands should always be protected by gloves when engaged in work calculated to injure them.  Gloves are imperatively required for garden-work.  The hands should always be washed carefully and dried thoroughly after such labor.  If they are roughened by soap, rinse them in a little vinegar or lemon-juice, and they will become soft and smooth at once.


People afflicted with moist hands should revolutionize their habits, take more out-door exercise and more frequent baths.  They should adopt a nutritious but not over-stimulating diet, and perhaps take a tonic of some sort.  Local applications of starch-powder and the juice of lemon may be used to advantage.


A well formed foot is broad at the sole, the toes well spread, each separate toe perfect and rounded in form.  The nails are regular and perfect in shape as those of the fingers.  The second toe projects a little beyond the others, and the first, or big toe, stands slightly apart from the rest and is slightly lifted.  The feet, from the circumstance of their being so much confined by boots and shoes, require more care in washing than the rest of the body.  Yet they do not always get this care.  The hands receive frequent washings every day.  Once a week is quite as often as many people can bestow the same attention upon their feet.  A tepid bath at about 80 or 90 degrees, should be used.  The feet may remain in the water about five minutes, and the instant they are taken out they should be rapidly and thoroughly dried by being well rubbed with a coarse towel.  Sometimes bran is used in the water.  Few things are more invigorating and refreshing after a long walk, or getting wet in the feet, than a tepid foot-bath, clean stockings and a pair of easy shoes.  After the bath is the time for paring the toe-nails, as they are so much softer and more pliant after having been immersed in warm water.


Some persons are troubled with moist or damp feet.  This complaint arises more particularly during the hot weather in summer-time, and the greatest care and cleanliness should be exercised in respect to it.  Persons so afflicted should wash their feet twice a day in soap and warm water, after which they should put on clean socks.  Should this fail to cure, they may, after being washed as above, be rinsed, and then thoroughly rubbed with a mixture consisting of half a pint of warm water and three tablespoonfuls of concentrated solution of chloride of soda.

Project Gutenberg
Our Deportment from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.