Teachers, 327;
attitude, 11, 170;
complacency, 135;
contrasted, 9;
first type, 251;
influx of life, 228;
problem, 89;
province, 7;
other self, 167;
three types of, 250.
Teaching, 229;
as a fine art, 143;
defined, 2;
test of, 137;
life as subject matter in, 6;
power, 248.
Temperance, 81.
Tests of teaching, 137.
Things of the spirit, 123.
Thinking, 293.
Thirteen colonies, 154.
Three types of teachers, 250.
Thrift as patriotism, 87.
Time element, basic considerations, 129.
Time, waste of, 133.
Tom Sawyer, 91.
Trained minds, 122;
achievements of, 123.
Transfusion of life, 224.
Travel instinct, 57.
Truth, child’s conception of, 109.
Twain story, 241.
Two teachers compared, 129.
Typical patriot, 82.
Understanding, power of, 13.
Unity of purpose, 328.
Variety in excellence, 63.
Vitalized mathematics, 10.
Vitalized School, 329;
a democracy, 69;
an exemplification of complete living,
filtration plant, 206.
Voluble teacher, 136.
Waste of time, 133.
Weaknesses transmitted, 30.
Westminster Abbey, 54.
Word automobile, 105.
Word in use, 107.
Work; a blessing, 96;
as a privilege, 92;
and enjoyment, 97;
of the school, 110;
potency of mental, 95;
misconceptions of, 93.
World-building, 303.
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