English Embroidered Bookbindings eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about English Embroidered Bookbindings.

English Embroidered Bookbindings eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about English Embroidered Bookbindings.

CHAPTER III.—­Books Bound in Velvet, 52

PLATES. 15.  Tres ample description de toute la terre Saincte,
        etc.  MS. 1540, 52
16.  Biblia. Tiguri, 1543, 54 17.  Il Petrarcha. Venetia, 1544, 55 18.  Queen Mary’s Psalter. 14th century MS., 57 19.  Christopherson, Historia Ecclesiastica. Lovanii, 1569,
20.  Christian Prayers. London, 1570, 59 21.  Parker, De antiquitate Ecclesiae Britannicae. London, 1572, 60 22.  The Epistles of St. Paul. London, 1578, 63 23.  Christian Prayers, etc. London, 1584, 65 24.  Orationis Dominicae Explicatio, etc. Genevae, 1583, 67 25.  Bible. London, 1583, 68 26.  The Commonplaces of Peter Martyr. London, 1583, 69 27.  Biblia. Antverpiae, 1590, 70 28.  Udall, Sermons. London, 1596, 71 29.  Collection of Sixteenth-Century Tracts, 72 30.  Bacon, Opera. Londini, 1623, 75 31.  Bacon, Essays. 1625, 76 32.  Common Prayer. London, 1638, 77 33.  Bible. Cambridge, 1674, 78

CHAPTER IV.—­Books Bound in Satin, 80

34.  Collection of Sixteenth-Century Tracts,                        80
35.  New Testament in Greek. Leyden, 1576,                        81
36.  Bible. London, 1619,                                         84
37.  Emblemes Chrestiens.  MS. 1624,                                 85
38.  New Testament. London, 1625,                                 86
39.  New Testament and Psalms. London, 1630,                      89
40.  Henshaw, Horae Successivae. London, 1632,                      90
41.  Psalms. London, 1633,                                        91
42.  Psalms. London, 1635,                                        92
43.  Psalms. London, 1633,                                        94
44.  Bible. London, 1638,                                         96
45.  Psalms. London, 1639,                                        98
46.  The Way to True Happiness. London, 1639,                     99
47.  New Testament. London, 1640,                                101
48.  Psalms. London, 1641,                                       103
49.  Psalms. London, 1643,                                       105
50.  Psalms. London, 1643,                                       106
51.  Psalms. London, 1646,                                       108
52.  Bible. London, 1646,                                        109


Project Gutenberg
English Embroidered Bookbindings from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.