Tent-pins, 20, 87.
Thirst, 51, 52, 121.
Tobacco, when to use, 124.
Tools, 25.
Training before journey, 12, 102.
Travelling acquaintances, 97.
Travelling afoot, 12, 14-34.
horseback, 90.
boating, 90, 118.
expenses, 15, 23, 26, 34,
how fast, 23, 50, 102, 114.
with hand-cart, 115.
Trench for offal, 65.
around tent, 84.
for fireplace, 67.
Trousers, 37-38.
Tub in boat, 91.
Ventilation, 64.
Wagon, general advice, 25, 31-33.
made into tent, 25.
man to walk behind, 34.
Walking, 50-59.
how fast, 23, 50, 102, 114.
at noon, 114.
parties in White Mts., 34.
one hundred miles, 102.
eat before, 113.
Wall-tent, how made, &c., 80.
to pitch quickly, 85.
Warm, how to keep, 66-70.
Water for drinking, 51.
how to carry in pails, 68.
none on mountains, 58.
Weekly supply for two men, 102.
Weight of outfit, 15, 21-23.
Wet and taking cold, 120.
clothes, weight, 22.
Whims of soldiers, 21.
Woodman’s camp, 69.
Woollen blanket, 19, 23.
shirt, 19.
Yankee baker, 43.
* * * * *
Transcriber’s Note:
Punctuation normalized.
Hyphenation changed to conform to majority of text.
Capitalization corrected.
Page 13, “usuually” changed to “usually” (tooth that usually)
Page 90, “gripe” changed to “grip” (hold its grip so)
Page 121, “comparativey”
changed to “comparatively”
(comparatively engorged)
Page 131, “opoldeldoc”
changed to “opodeldoc” to conform to
rest of text (ammoniate opodeldoc)
Page 132, added word “how”
to conform to rest of text (how to
catch in nets)