How to Camp Out eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 107 pages of information about How to Camp Out.

How to Camp Out eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 107 pages of information about How to Camp Out.

  Route should be known, 9, 23, 92.

  Rubber blanket, 16, 22, 58.
    for tents, 75.
    boots for dew, 95.

  Sail-boat, 90, 118.

  Salve for sunburn, chafing, &c., 53.

  Screens of bushes, 69, 96.

  Second day’s march fatiguing, 54.

  Shaving the head not advised, 11.

  Shelters, 69-71, 96.

  Shelter-tent, 17, 19, 70, 72-75.
    how to pitch, 70, 73-75.
    how made, 72-74.
    not good for ladies, 94.
    illustration of, 129.

  Shirts instead of overcoat, 19.
    how made, 35.
    undershirts, 38.

  Shoes, 36.
    slippers, 120.

    Liability to, 14, 23, 55, 106. 
    Remedies, 120, 121, 126. 
    Insect in ear, 126. 
    Cholera morbus, 126. 
    Drowning, to restore from, 126-128. 
    Poisons, treatment for, 128.

  Sinks, 65.

  Sketching advised, 109.

  Skinning fish, 100.

  Sleep on a hay-mow, 23.
    difficult first night, 54.
    for your comrades, 55.
    (see beds), 62.
    general advice about, 63, 64.

  Slippers, 120.

  Sluts for light, 62.

  Smudge for mosquitoes, &c., 100.

  Soap for foot-soreness, &c., 53.
    tents, 83.

  Socks, 37.

  Sod-cloth of tents, 78, 81.

  Soldier’s weight of outfit, 15. 
    German, 16.
    rule for drinking, 51.
    trousers in socks, 54.
    preventive for chafing, 54.
    mattress, 63.
    shelter-tents, 72.
    rations, 103.

  Spade, uses of, 47, 65, 88.

  Speed proper to walk, 23, 51, 102, 114.

  Spirits not needed, 55.

  Stake, how driven, 96.

  Starvation, do not risk, 21.

  Stays to tent, 84.

  Stencil-plate of postal card, 11.

  Stimulation, nature and effects, 123.

  Stockings, best kind on march, 37.
    pantaloons tucked into, 54.
    take off when wet, 120.

  Stoves, &c., 11, 39-43.
    portable, 39-41.
    inside tent when cold, 66.
    top, 42.

  Summer-houses, screens, &c., 96.

  Sunburn, 53.

  Sunstroke, 121.

  Suspenders, 38.

  Supplies for camping enumerated, 13.

  Swimming, 118.

  Table manners in camp, 96.

  Taking cold, 118.

  Tanning tent-cloth, 84.

  Tea better than alcohol, 55, 124.

  Tents, 72-89.
    best kind to use, 19, 88.
    made in wagon, 25.
    how to make “shelter,” 72.
    how to make “A,” 75.
    how to make “wall,” 80.
    how to pitch “wall,” 85.
    cloth for, 82.
    cloth, how preserved, 83, 89.
    fly, 82.

  Tent-poles, whether to carry, 20.
    how made, 73, 79, 86.
    hand-barrow, 60.

Project Gutenberg
How to Camp Out from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.