How to Camp Out eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 107 pages of information about How to Camp Out.

How to Camp Out eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 107 pages of information about How to Camp Out.

  Alcoholic stimulants, 55, 123.

  Ammoniated opodeldoc for bites, 99.

  Appetite, none first days, 55.
    on return home, 105.

  A-tents, 75-79, 95.
    too small for ladies, 95.

  Babies in camp, 94.

    Barrel, 32. 
    Blanket, 16-19. 
    Candles and lamps, 61. 
    Clothing, 35-38. 
    Cooking utensils, 42-46. 
    Cover for wagon, 25. 
    Food, 20, 47-49. 
    Haversack, 18. 
    Knapsack, 16. 
    Ladies’ outfits, 94. 
    Mattress, 63. 
    Overcoat, 19, 58. 
    Overloading, 15, 90. 
    Packing a wagon, 26, 32. 
    Poles, 60, 73. 
    Pork, how carried, 48. 
    Shirts, 19. 
    Stove, 39-41. 
    Tents, 72-80. 
    Tub, 91. 
    Wagon, 31-33.

  Baked beans, beef, and fish, 46.

  Baker, Yankee, 43.

  Barrel, on march for baggage, 32.
    sunk for cellar, 48.
    cut in two for tubs, 91.

  Bathing, 52, 53, 64, 120.

  Beans and pork, how baked, 46.

  Beckets for tents, 79, 81.

  Beds, 62-64.

  Black flies, protection from, 98.

  Blanket, woollen, 19, 22, 25, 94.
    instead of knapsack, 16.
    lining, 19.
    rubber, 16, 22, 75.

  Board floor for tent, 60.

  Boat, don’t sail experimentally, 118.

  Boating, general advice, 90.

  Bobbinet lace mosquito-bar, 99.

  Boots and brogans, 36, 37.

  Brush or bush houses, 69, 96.

  Bug in ear, 126.

  Bumpers for wagon-springs, 31.

  Butter, how to keep, 47.

  Camp, 60-71. 
    Beds, 62-64. 
    Brush-houses, 69, 96. 
    Candles and sluts, 62. 
    Care of food, 47-49. 
    Cellar, 48. 
    Children, 94. 
    Clothes-line, 61, 64. 
    Cold weather, 66. 
    Cooking, 44, 47. 
    Etiquette, 96. 
    Expenses, 83, 101. 
    Fire, 46, 66-69. 
    Flies and mosquitoes, 98. 
    Hammock, 64. 
    Hitching-post, 64, 96. 
    Independence, 12, 97. 
    Ladies, 41, 93-95. 
    Lamp and lantern, 61. 
    Mattress, 63. 
    Mosquito-bar, 98. 
    Outfit, 10-13, 20-22. 
    Shelters, 69-71, 96. 
    Sleeping, 55, 62. 
    Stoves, 39-43. 
    Tents, 72-89.

  Camp-stoves, 39-43.

  Candles and candlesticks, 61.

  Captain for large party, 25-34.

  Care of food, 47-49.

  Cart, pulling a, 115.

  Catching fish in nets, 101.

  Cattle-paths the safest, 118.

  Cellar, sunk barrel, 48.

  Chafing the skin, 16, 52-54.

  Cheap living, 102.

  Children in camp, 94.

  Chimneys, 67, 68.

  Cholera morbus, 126.

  Cloth for tent, 82.
    how to preserve, 83.

Project Gutenberg
How to Camp Out from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.