My Beautiful Lady. Nelly Dale eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 88 pages of information about My Beautiful Lady. Nelly Dale.

My Beautiful Lady. Nelly Dale eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 88 pages of information about My Beautiful Lady. Nelly Dale.

I went, and, leaning from the lattice, mused
On my immeasurable woe; accused
Heaven’s King, that, like an earthly king, abused
   His power omnipotent, and hurled
   Curses broadcast on the world.

Then glancing toward her danger thought, “A cell
Of noxious vapours this dull life; as well
She should escape:  so pure! she scarce could dwell
   With sinful creatures who alway
   Stumbling take the stain of clay

“But I unworthy!  How in conscience I—­
How could I hazard guidance in her high
Cold path of duty leading to the sky! 
   As well hold torch to light a star
   Shining, mystic, nebular.

“She yearns to bless the world:  just love for all
Best shows in love for one; love cannot fall
Like sunshine over half this wondrous ball,
   But her impulses yearn to bless
   All the world.  Strange tenderness!”

This shameful mockery of myself alone
Was interrupted by a sobbing moan
That brought me to her coach, where low mine own
   Sweet Love lay swooning ashy white,
   Eyelids closing from the light.

Ah, coarse, hard, bitter, brutal self!  A beast
In passion, nay far worse than such, to feast
On baseless anger against her whose least
   Stray word was kind; her daily food
   Interest in another’s good.

My passion then, like an unruly horse
Checked by a master’s hand, fell slack; its force
Unnerved, and stifling me with hot remorse;
   Frightened, despairing, “Love,” I cried,
   Wildly busy at her side;

And kissed and chafed her brow; I chafed her hand;
Audacious grown with fear, released the band
That clasped her tender waist, and keenly scanned
   Each feature, till her opening eyes
   Met my own in bright surprise

“Ah you!  I had from you passed and the world
Through endless nothing rudely was I hurled
While you there hung above, your proud lip curled,
   Regarding me with piercing hate
   Crying I deserved my fate.”

We met each other, as when waters meet
In long continued shock, and muttering, sweet
Confusion mixed in unity complete
   That changing time may not dissever;
   One in love and one for ever.

Purged by remorse, love knit my strength; and now
Came gracious power to still upon her brow
Those troubled waves of some dark underflow;
   Her soul victorious over pain
   Spoke in golden smiles again.

We sat and read how Prospero closed his strife
With evil, wrought his charm, and crowned his life
In making two fair beings man and wife: 
   Of brave Count Gismond’s happy lot;
   And the Lady of Shalott.

We ceased; for eve had come by dusky stealth. 
I saw, while lifting her, like crimson health
Burn in her cheeks, holding the weighted wealth
   Of all the worlds in heaven to me;
   Held her long, long, lingeringly: 

Project Gutenberg
My Beautiful Lady. Nelly Dale from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.