Bracket bolts, 25
Bridle, 28
putting in new, 50
wire, 28, 50
Bridges, 16, 17
split, 173
Building of upright piano, 16
Butts, 28
and flanges, repairing of, 59
Capstan, 24, 48
Cause of beats 27, 150
Center-pins, 25
putting in new 52
Clicks at release of key, 51, 52
Compromises, the, 99, 100
Continuous mute, 89
Damper lever, 29 felt, softening, 54
Damper, of grand piano, 37
of square piano, 36, 60
rod, 30
rod, squeaking of, 55
spoon, 29
springs broken, 54
Dampers, 18, 29
Damping, defective, 54, 60, 61
Ditonic comma 144
Evolution of the piano, 12
Extension, 23
False waves, 160, 161
Fifths, beats of, 79
not all tempered alike, 105, 106
tempering of, 79, 104
Final inspection, 172
Fischer System of temperament, diagram of, 82
Flanges, 25
repairing of, 59
Guide pins, 23
Hammer, butt, refelting, 51
capping with buckskin, 59
felts, cleaning, 34
gluing, 54
hardening, 54
softening, 54
trimming, 60
voicing, 54, 104
head 29
rail, 29, 33
shank or stem, 29, 53
broken, 63
renewing, 53
spring, 52
sticking, 52
Hitch-pins, 16, 17
Instrumental attachments, removal of, 118
Intervals flattened, 157
sharpened, 157
Ivories, regluing, 64
Jack, 26
repairing of, 50, 58
sluggish, 57
-spring broken, 58
Key, defects in, 47, 48
leads, 22
organ, sticking, 185, 186
removing, square piano, 56
squeaking, 64
sticking, 46
Lead, in keys, 22
black, use of, 64
loose in key, 64
Length, tension, and weight of strings, 75
Loud pedal, 19, 30
Main rail, 25
Mathematics of tempered scale, 126
Metal plates, 15
Mute, continuous, 89, 90
Mutes, setting in upright piano, 117-120
in bass, 121
beyond temperament, 120
in square piano, 122
on nodal points, 161
Octave, dividing into major thirds, 134
into minor thirds, 140
perfect fifths, 142
Octaves, relative vibration of, 78
Organ, reed, tuning and repairing the, 178
bellows, leaks in, 187
capabilities of, 179
cleaning, 180
examination, 183
keys sticking, 185, 186
pallets, 186
pedal defects, 188
reeds, to find, 184
tuning, 190
stops, 182
disconnected, 184
sympathetic vibration, 189