Practical Essays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 299 pages of information about Practical Essays.

Practical Essays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 299 pages of information about Practical Essays.


Now, reverting to Macaulay’s Table of Subjects as above exhibited, I may observe that, till quite recently, no very serious alterations were ever made upon it.  The scale of marks, indeed, was altered more than once, and sometimes Sanskrit and Arabic were struck off, and Jurisprudence and Political Economy put in their stead; but, if we except the exclusion of Political Philosophy in 1858, at the desire of the present Lord Derby, from the Moral Science branch, the list remained, till Lord Salisbury’s late innovation, to all intents and purposes what it was at the beginning.  Here, for instance, is the prescription for 1875:—­

English Composition 500
History of England, including that of the laws
and constitution 500
English Language and Literature 500
Language, literature, and history of Greece 750
Rome 750
France 375
Germany 375
Italy 375
Mathematics, pure and mixed 1,250
Natural Sciences, that is, (1) chemistry, including
heat; (2) electricity and magnetism; (3) geology
and mineralogy; (4) zoology; (5) botany 1,000

*** The total (1,000) marks may be obtained by
adequate proficiency in any two or more of the five
branches of science included under this head.

Moral Sciences, that is, logic, mental and
moral philosophy                                          500
Sanskrit, language and literature                           500
Arabic, language and literature                             500

But Lord Salisbury’s changes have been great and sweeping.  They are probably in keeping with the restriction of the competitor’s age to “over 17 under 19”; but, if so, they serve only to shew all the more conclusively that the restriction is a mistake.  A scheme that distributes marks on anything but a rational and intelligent system; a scheme that excludes the Natural History Sciences, mineralogy and Geology, as well as Psychology and Moral Philosophy from its scope altogether; a scheme that prescribes only Elements and Outlines of such important subjects as Natural Science (Chemistry, Electricity and Magnetism, &c.) and Political Economy—­stands self-condemned.  But, to do it justice, let us produce the Table in extenso:—­


English Composition 300
History of England, including a period selected
by the candidate 300
English Literature including books selected by
the candidate 300
Greek 600

Project Gutenberg
Practical Essays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.