20. Ulrich Brunner. One of the best out-of-door roses,
hardy, carries its bright cerise
flowers well, which are of good shape
and substance; has few diseases.
Moss Roses
1. Blanch Moreau (Perpetual).
A pure, rich white; the buds, which
are heavily mossed,
borne in clusters.
2. White Bath. The most
familiar white moss rose,
sometimes tinged
with pink. Open
flowers are attractive
as well as
3. Crested Moss. Rich
pink, deeply mossed, each bud
having a fringed
crest; fragrant and
4. Gracilis. An exquisite
moss rose of fairylike
construction, the
deep pink buds being
wrapped and fringed
with moss.
5. Common Moss. A hardy
pink variety, good only in
the bud.
The moss roses as a whole only bloom satisfactorily in June.
1. English Sweetbrier.
Single pink flowers of the wild-rose
type. Foliage
of delicious fragrance,
perfuming the garden
after rain the
season through.
Penzance Hybrid Sweetbriers, Having Fragrant Foliage and Flowers of Many Beautiful Colours
2. Amy Robsart. Pink. 3. Anne of Geierstein. Crimson. 4. Minna. White. 5. Rose Bradwardine. Deep rose.
1. Climbing Jules Margottin.
Rosy carmine, very fragrant
and full, satisfactory
for the
pergola, but more
so for a pillar,
where in winter it
can be protected
from wind by branches
or straw.
2. Baltimore Belle. The old-fashioned
blush rose, with
clean leaves and
solid flowers of good
shape. Blooms
after other varieties are
over. Trustworthy
and satisfactory,
though not fragrant
in flower or leaf.
3. Gem of the Prairie. Red flowers
of large size, but
rather flat when
open. A seedling from
Queen of the Prairie,
and though not
as free as its parent,
it has the
desirable quality
of fragrance.
4. Climbing Belle Siebrecht Fragrant,
vigorous, and of
(Hybrid Tea). the same deep pink
as the standard
variety. Grow
on pillars.
5. Gloire de Dijon. Colour
an indescribable blending of
rose, buff, and yellow,
fragrant, double
to the heart of
crumpled, crepelike
petals. A tea rose
and, as an outdoor
climber, tender
north of Washington,
yet it can be
grown on a pillar
by covering as
described on page
Hybrid Tea Roses