The Olden Time Series, Vol. 3: New-England Sunday eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about The Olden Time Series, Vol. 3.

The Olden Time Series, Vol. 3: New-England Sunday eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about The Olden Time Series, Vol. 3.

ROSEMARY AND RUE.  Vol.  VII. of the Round-Robin Series of novels. 16mo. $1.00.  In paper covers, 50 cents.

ROUND-ROBIN SERIES (THE).  A series of original novels by the best writers.  Each is complete in 1 vol. 16mo. $1.00.  Also, new popular edition, in paper covers, each, 50 cents.

  A Nameless Nobleman. 
  A Lesson in Love. 
  The Georgians. 
  Patty’s Perversities. 
  Damen’s Ghost. 
  Rosemary and Rue. 
  Madame Lucas. 
  A Tallahassee Girl. 
  The Desmond Hundred. 
  Doctor Ben. 
  Rachel’s Share of the Road. 
  His Second Campaign.


SANBORN’S (KATE) A Year of Sunshine.  Comprising cheerful selections for every day in the year. 1 vol. 16mo. $1.00.

——­ Grandma’s Garden.  Leaflets, with illuminated covers, $1.25.

——­ Purple and Gold.  Choice Poems.  Leaflets, with illuminated covers by ROSINA EMMET. $1.25.

——­ Round-Table Series of Literature Lessons.  Printed separately on sheets.  Twenty-five authors.  Price for each author, enclosed in envelope, 25 cents.

SANGSTER’S (MARGARET E.) Poems of the Household. 1 vol. 16mo. $1.50.

SCHIEFNERS (PROFESSOR) Tibetan Tales.  Translated by W.R.S.  RALSTON, M.A. $5.00.

SCHOPENHAUER’S (ARTHUR) The World as Will and Idea.  Translated from the German by R.B.  HALDANE.  M.A., and JOHN KEMP, M.A. 3 vols. 8vo.  Vol. 1. $5.00.

SCOTT’S (SIR WALTER) Marmion.  Holiday Edition.  Over 100 new Illustrations by famous artists.  Elegantly bound.  Full gilt edges.  In box, $6.00.  Tree-calf, or antique morocco, $10.00.  Crushed levant, with silk linings, $25.00.

——­ Marmion.  Tremont Edition. 1 vol. 16mo.  Beautifully illustrated.  With red lines, bevelled boards, and gilt edges, $2.50.  Half-calf, $4.00.  Antique morocco, flexible calf, flexible seal or tree-calf, $6.00.

——­ Marmion.  Pocket Edition, 1 vol.  Little-Classic size.  With thirty Illustrations.  Elegantly bound, $1.00.  Half-calf, $2.25.  Antique morocco, or flexible calf or seal, $3.00.  Tree-calf, $3.50.

——­ Marmion.  Students’ Edition.  Edited, with Notes and Introduction, by W.J.  ROLFE. 12mo.  Illustrated. 75 cents.

——­ The Lady of the Lake.  Holiday Edition. 1 vol. 8vo.  In box. 120 Illustrations. $6.00.  Tree-calf or antique morocco, $10.00.  Calf or morocco, inlaid mosaic, $12.50.  Crushed levant, with silk linings, $25.00.

——­ The Lady of the Lake.  Tremont Edition. 16mo.  Beautifully illustrated.  Red lines. $2.50.  Half-calf, $4.00.  Tree-calf, antique morocco, flexible calf or seal, $6.00.

SCOTT’S (SIR WALTER) The Lady of the Lake.  Pocket Edition. 1 vol.  Little-Classic size. 30 Illustrations. $1.00.  Half-calf, $2.25.  Antique morocco, flexible calf, or seal, $3.00.  Tree-calf, $3.50.

Project Gutenberg
The Olden Time Series, Vol. 3: New-England Sunday from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.