The Olden Time Series, Vol. 3: New-England Sunday eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about The Olden Time Series, Vol. 3.

The Olden Time Series, Vol. 3: New-England Sunday eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about The Olden Time Series, Vol. 3.

PENINSULAR CAMPAIGN (THE) of General McClellan in 1862. (Vol.  I., Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts.) 8vo.  With Maps. $3.00.

PERRY’S (NORA) For a Woman. 16mo. $1.00.

——­ A Book of Love Stories. 16mo. $1.00.

PERRY’S (THOMAS SERGEANT) From Opitz to Lessing. 1 vol. 16mo. $1.25.

PICTURESQUE SKETCHES.  Statues, Monuments, Fountains, Cathedrals, Towers, etc. 1 vol.  Oblong folio $1.50.

PLYMPTON’S (MISS A.G.) The Glad Year Round.  Square 8vo. $2.50.

POETS AND ETCHERS.  Twenty full-page etchings, by James D. Smillie, Samuel Colman, A.F.  Bellows.  H. Farrer, R. Swain Gifford, illustrating poems by Longfellow, Whittier, Bryant, Aldrich, etc. 4to. $10.00. Also limited editions on China and Japan paper.

POOLE’S (W.F., LL.D.) An Index to Periodical Literature. 1 vol.  Royal 8vo. $15.00.  Sheep, $17.00.  Half-morocco, $18.00.  Half-morocco, extra.  Gilt top.  Uncut edges, $19.00.

POPE in 1862, The Virginia Campaign of General.  Vol.  II. of Papers read before the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts. 8vo.  With Maps and Plans. $3.00.

PORTER’S (ROBERT P.) Protection and Free Trade To-Day:  At Home and Abroad. 16mo.  Paper covers, 10 cents.

PREBLE’S (ADMIRAL GEORGE H.) History of the Flag of the United States of America, etc.  Third Revised Edition. 240 Illustrations, many of them in colors. 1 vol.  Royal quarto. $7.50.

PRESTON’S (MISS H.W.) The Georgics of Vergil. 18mo. $1.00

——­ The Georgics of Vergil.  Holiday Edition.  Four full-page Illustrations. 1 vol.  Small 4to.  Full gilt. $2.00.

PUTNAM’S (J.  PICKERING) The Open Fire-Place in all Ages.  With 300 Illustrations, 53 full-page. 12mo. $4.00.

——­ Lectures on the Principles of House Drainage.  With Plates and Diagrams. 16mo. 75 cents.

QUINCY’S (EDMUND) The Haunted Adjutant; and other Stories.  Edited by his son, EDMUND QUINCY. 1 vol. 12mo. $1.50.

——­ Wensley; and other Stories.  Edited by his son, EDMUND QUINCY. 1 vol. 12mo. $1.50.

RACHEL’S SHARE OF THE ROAD.  Vol.  XVI. of the Round-Robin Series of novels. $1.00.  In paper covers, 50 cents.

REVEREND IDOL (A).  A Novel. 12mo.  Twelfth edition. $1.50.

RICHARDSON’S (ABBY SAGE) Abelard and Heloise. 1 vol.  Little-Classic size. $1.00.

——­ Old Love-Letters; or, Letters of Sentiment.  Written by persons eminent in English Literature and History. 1 vol.  Little-Classic size. $1.25.

ROCKHILL’S (W.  WOODVILLE) The Life of the Buddha, and the Early History of his Order. 1 vol. 12mo.  Gilt top. $3.00.

ROLFE’S (WILLIAM J.) Scott’s The Lady of the Lake, etc.  See Scott.

——­ The Princess, etc.  See TENNYSON.

Project Gutenberg
The Olden Time Series, Vol. 3: New-England Sunday from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.