“I hope you apologized to the Master.”
“I did. I received in reply a letter which I shall always value. It ran as follows—
I beg that you will think no more of the matter. Youth must be served. Many years ago I assisted your father in a somewhat similar enterprise. Till the other evening I had always believed that the havoc provoked by the introduction of a dancing bear into a concert-room could not be surpassed. I am now less certain.
Yours very faithfully,
“I think,” said Jill, “he was very forgiving.”
“It was deep,” said Berry, “calling to deep. By the way, you’ll all be pleased to hear that I have received peremptory instructions ’within one week to abolish the existing number by which this house is distinguished, and to mark or affix on some conspicuous part thereof a new number, and to renew the same as often as it is obliterated or defaced.’ Selah.”
“Whatever,” said Daphne, “do you mean?”
“Sorry,” said Berry. “Let me put it another way. Some genii, masquerading as officials, have got a move on. Snuffing the air of ‘Reconstruction,’ they have realized with a shock that the numbers of the houses in this street have not been changed for over half a century. Thirstily they have determined to repair the omission. We’ve always been ‘38.’ In a few days, with apologies to Wordsworth, we shall be ‘7.’ A solemn thought.”
“But can we do nothing?”
“Certainly. In that case somebody else will obliterate the existing number, and I shall be summoned to appear before a Justice of the Peace.”
“It’s outrageous,” said Daphne. “It’ll cause endless confusion, and think of all our notepaper and cards. All the dies will have to be scrapped and new ones cut.”
“Go easy,” said I. “After a decent interval they’ll alter the name of the street. Many people feel that The Quadrant should be renamed ’The Salient,’ and Piccadilly ‘High Street.’ I’m all for Progress.”
“Is this renumbering stunt a fact?” said Jonah. “Or are you Just being funny?”
“It’s a poisonous but copper-bottomed fact,” said Berry. “This is the sort of thing we pay rates and taxes for. Give me Germany.”
“Can’t we refuse?”
“I’ve rung up Merry and Merry, and they’ve looked up the law, and say there’s no appeal. We are at the mercy of some official who came out top in algebra in ’64 and has never recovered. Let us be thankful it wasn’t geography. Otherwise we should be required to name this house ‘Sea View’ or ‘Clovelly.’ Permit me to remark that the port has now remained opposite you for exactly four minutes of time, for three of which my goblet has been empty.”
“I think it’s cruel,” said Jill, passing on the decanter. “I think——”