“Just mark that schooner
westward far at sea—
but an hour ago
When she was lying hoggish
at the quay,
And men
ran to and fro
And tugged, and stamped,
and shoved, and pushed, and swore.
And ever an anon, with
crapulous glee,
homage to viragoes on the shore.
“So to the jetty gradual
she was hauled:
Then one
the tiller took,
And chewed, and spat
upon his hand, and bawled;
And one
the canvas shook
Forth like a mouldy
bat; and one, with nods
And smiles, lay on the
bowsprit end, and called
And cursed the Harbour-master
by his gods.
“And rotten from the
gunwale to the keel,
Rat riddled,
bilge bestank,
Slime-slobbered, horrible,
I saw her reel
And drag
her oozy flank,
And sprawl among the
deft young waves, that laughed
And leapt,
and turned in many a sportive wheel
As she thumped onward
with her lumbering draught.
“And now, behold! a
shadow of repose
Upon a line
of gray
She sleeps, that transverse
cuts the evening rose,
She sleeps
and dreams away,
Soft blended in a unity
of rest
All jars, and strifes
obscene, and turbulent throes
’Neath the broad
benediction of the West—
“Sleeps; and methinks
she changes as she sleeps,
And dies,
and is a spirit pure;
Lo! on her deck, an
angel pilot keeps
His lonely
watch secure;
And at the entrance
of Heaven’s dockyard waits
Till from
night’s leash the fine-breathed morning leaps
And that strong hand
within unbars the gates.”
It is very far from being the finest poem in the volume. It has not the noble humanity of Catherine Kinrade—and if this be not a great poem I know nothing about poetry—nor the rapture of Jessie, nor the awful pathos of Mater Dolorosa, nor the gentle pathos of Aber Stations, nor the fine religious feeling of Planting and Disguises. But it came so pat to the occasion, and used the occasion so deftly to take hold of one’s sympathy, that these other poems were read in the very mood that, I am sure, their author would have asked for them. One has not often such luck in reading—“Never the time and the place and the author all together,” if I may do this violence to Browning’s line. Yet I trust that in any mood I should have had the sense to pay its meed of admiration to this volume.
Now, having carefully read the opinions of some half-a-dozen reviewers upon it, I can only wonder and leave the question to my reader, warning him by no means to miss Mater Dalorosa and Catherine Kinrade. If he remain cold to these two poems, then I shall still preserve my own opinion.